

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Generational Ignorance

Hi -

Many folks are stuck in ignorance, and experiencing spiritual growth retardation because they persist in clinging to what they learned from their parents, grandparents, and so-called mothers and fathers of the church.

So many deceived folks cling to such even though A BUNCH OF WHAT they learned ain't  true.  That's a pathetic state of affairs -- indeed.  Folks missing out on true freedom because of generational ignorance.

I did it, too, until waking up and becoming truly aware, enlightened and empowered . . .

It's great that more folks are casting away deception, and learning to live free and awakened to -- real deal truths.
Hi -

I implore folks to cease being dim-witted, and to REALLY THINK/PONDER.

In scripture content below, caps are mine.

In Luke 19:27, the Bible expresses that Jesus said the following words:

"Luke 19:27- KJV But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and SLAY THEM BEFORE ME."

AND the Bible expresses that Jesus ALSO said these words:
"Luke 6:35-36 - KJV
But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest:for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Be ye therefore merciful, AS YOUR FATHER ALSO IS MERCIFUL."

Psalm 136 - KJV says at least 126 times ABOUT GOD, " . . . his MERCY endureth FOREVER." Here is one such verse from Psalm 136:

"Psalms 136:26 O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever."


And folks REALLY believe that a loving and MERCIFUL God is going to have folks literally burn for eternity in a lake of fire?!

That IS NOT OF God. People need to stop believing that everything in the bible is truth. Flawed men wrote bible content using their biases, false belief systems, deceptions, etc. And some men who wrote bible content had UNRIGHTEOUS agendas with aim to control, manipulate and to rob people. Such unrighteous conduct continues in these times in which we live.

Folks need to wake the fuck up and cancel the deception of Christianity, and other bogus religions that are heaped in deception, manipulation, ego-driven agendas, power tripping, greed, etc. Yes, they all have measures of truth that are often used to lure, seduce and rob folks . . .

We can get our own damn truths from God WITHIN us, and how our OWN spirits lead us to resources, people and other helpful, empowering resources.

Think people -- for a change . . . and ponder deeply to get the real truths inside you!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dream about T.D. Jakes

Hi -

I had a dream before dawn this morning.

Here is what, in essence, I dreamed:

I told T. D. Jakes that I was "resigning" from his belief system, and that though I'm not FULLY on board with what Carlton Pearson believes, for the most part, I share Pearson's beliefs.

In my dream, Jakes didn't express anger when I shared what I shared with him about Pearson. Jakes had a posture of "okay . . . "

That was my dream.


I truly believe that Pearson is on the pulse, to a large extent, of spiritual accuracy -- indeed.
I obtained two of his books, God Is Not a Christian, Nor A Jew, Muslim, Hindu . . . , and The Gospel of Inclusion. I easily recommend both of those books. For the most part, I agree with what Pearson shares. I don't WHOLLY agree with anybody . . . but I'm so pleased that I got those two books of Pearson's. He shoots many arrows of truth and for those inclined, the content of his books is enlightening and empowering -- indeed.


Amazon links to Pearson's two books that I read:

Origins of Fictional Bible Characters

Hi -

The subject piece is penetrating indeed!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

President Obama

Hi -

People "kill" me criticizing our President with damn nonsense and lies.  Rudy Giuliani expressed this about President Obama, " . . . I do not believe that the president loves America, . . ."

My response:

It's on public record that Rudy Giuliani cheated on TWO of his wives, Regina Peruggi and Donna Hanover. We don't know of any others that may NOT be public record. So, at least -- TWICE -- unfaithful Rudy -- says that he doesn't believe that President Obama loves America. That's bogus nonsense.

What we DO KNOW is that Giuliani didn't love TWO wives enough NOT to cheat on them . . . so from where I sit, Giuliani's credibility is suspect . . .

If he hasn't managed to do intimate love decently, who the fuck is Rudy to question President Obama's love for this country, when damn Giuliani didn't even faithfully LOVE TWO women whom he married.

Really, Rudy ain't qualified to delve in those "waters" about what Obama's sentiments are about his love for this country.

P.S. I'm not a deeply political person, but I know b.s. when it makes an appearance.


And another damn thing about the nonsense criticisms of President Obama -- like he said -- he won twice.  So for folks who are deeply discontented, there are planes leaving this country every day going to geographic regions OUTSIDE of the USA. Folks can hop their discontented behinds on flights any day of the week -- and live elsewhere.

Some of the political folks . . .who are criticizing Obama have pill-popping and alcoholic wives, rebellious children, etc. Hell -- some of those on Capitol Hill are pill popping and over drinking their damn selves. Tend to your personal lives better, people . . . and get up off President Obama with petty nonsense. Reasonable disagreements, cool, but some of that mess shouldn't even be on any worthy radars.

The folks who don't like President Obama, and elect to stay in the USA anyhow -- the reality is -- deal with it . . .

President Obama is who is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Folks put him there TWICE. It is what it is.

On a local radio station here in D.C., there is a radio personality who addresses President Obama as MR. Obama. His TITLE is PRESIDENT Barack Obama -- DAMMIT.

I don't give a fuck who likes it or not. That's his title and he's the President of the United States of America -- until he ain't.

Suck it up and deal with it.

As for those who are on board with our Commander- in-Chief -- a hearty shout out to you, peeps. Me, I don't FULLY support anybody 'cause none of us walks on water.