The purpose here is steadfast pursuit of pure truths. Researching, examining, viewing videos, considering, and receiving wise counsel is what goes on here. We've learned that it isn't wise to just accept what we've long been taught and what we've long believed. We NOW KNOW to dig to PROVE.
Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.
Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.
Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Egypt on the Potomac
Field Trip in the Washington, D.C. area.
Book: Egypt on the Potomac
Here's a video link of it:
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Is Homosexuality a Choice?
I've never heard homosexuality described as she did here -- STRIKING indeed.
I must confess that I'm still NOT on board with it -- I love homosexual people but NOT their lifestyle choices. Teal, in this video, SURE has me PONDERING my current posture about the matter!
Teal Swan's Workshop Video -- Particularly Striking Is What She Says About Engaging with Folks Who Hold on to Jesus is Lord
Deeply wise words spoken by the woman in the video, Teal Swan. Particularly striking is what she says at ABOUT THE the 34:00 MARK ON THE VIDEO relative to engaging with folks who hold on to Jesus as Lord.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Are Demons Real?
I found this to be EXCEPTIONALLY enlightening. Some of the best content that I've ever heard.
Particularly, I'm struck by what she expressed because I located her video today AFTER, 19 hours ago on my Facebook page, posting the following words (excerpt from a longer piece):
"The other day, on Facebook, I expressed that Satan and demons aren’t real. Well, they ARE real to folks who make such THEIR truths. I did it, too, until learning better."
Are You a High Frequency Person?
High frequency folks:
Guard your energies and vibrations.
Deal with low frequency folks -- accordingly . . .
As I've expressed before, I have two sets of "gloves" -- kid gloves that do gentle engagements, and boxing gloves that administer effective ENERGETIC blows . . . The transmission of energies vibrates to me which gloves to use and when. Folks in high frequency modes likely know, sufficiently, what I mean . . .
If you're inclined to read more on this blog, which has loads of empowering information, including video leads, here's the link:
Friday, March 27, 2015
Teal Swan Video Links -- Her Content Has Affected Me Deeply
I can appreciate the content of the videos that I've, so far, watched that she's done. Yes, much that Teal expresses strikes me deeply.
Answers to God, afterlife, life and death, Psychic and clairvoyant gifts, ghosts and religion. Are Spirit Guides?
Do People Who Commit Suicide Go to Hell?
What Should I Do When I'm Sick?
How to Raise Your Frequencies . . .
What are Spirit Guides?
I must add that I view and read bunches . . . but remain mindful that no two people are alike. We have our UNIQUE journeys so I don't FULLY adopt what anyone else teaches . . .
What are Spirit Guides?
Communicating with Your Ancestors
He shares, "How I Met my Guides"
False Positives
People can believe things into “truth.” I remember when I believed in Santa Claus and the Boogie Man until I didn’t. They were truths to me. I made them truths within me. Of course, they aren’t truth or real, but they were my reality, and thus my truths, as is the case with other folks who believed in them.
A wife can believe that her husband is cheating when he isn’t. But she’s made that HER truth and reality so it's what she believes, despite him NOT cheating.
The same goes for Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Despite the truth that FLAWED MEN wrote bible content, I believed absolutely everything that’s in it -- until I came to KNOW that, FOR REAL, bible content isn’t ENTIRELY truth. There’s an abundance that has been revealed that Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior -- is a myth. But do most Christians investigate to learn if there is truth that has been revealed, in abundance, about Jesus as Lord and Savior being a myth? Nope. What they typically do is quote and cite scriptures from the very bible that has been exposed as NOT being ENTIRELY truth. Most Christians will “fight” against THAT reality, as well.
The other day, on Facebook, I expressed that Satan and demons aren’t real. Well, they ARE real to folks who make such THEIR truths. I did it, too, until learning better. People literally burning eternally in the lake of fire was a belief of mine, as well, despite such ONLY being mentioned in ONE book of the bible -- Revelation -- a book that was in dispute as to whether it would even be included as part of the bible canon.
There are Christians who are convinced that yoga/meditation, chakras, Freemasons and astrology are evil. They have made those beliefs THEIR truths, as I once did. In reality, those things aren’t evil. Can they be used for evil purposes? Yes. So can internet content, so can sex, so can alcohol and so many other things. Some Christians believe that damn near everything is evil EXCEPT Christianity.
Often, folks believe and cling to what resonates within them because they’ve allowed themselves to be persuaded that what isn’t truth is -- thus the false is their reality -- so for them IT IS truth.
Real deal truth is always the best; authentic always outshines imitations . . . And of course, there are some things that we don’t know one way or the other . . . Such is reality, as well.
For those who are inclined to research, examine, and to investigate more, my blog has an assortment of resources, including videos -- but NOTHING can substitute for our own personal journeys to supplement learning from others. Here's the link:
The greatest truth of all -- is love in consistent demonstration.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Is This Really Possible? Aliens . . . ?
I wonder if this is farfetched and outlandish?
Help for Schizophrenia from Nature, etc.
I found the subject article deeply informative and beneficial.
Book from Amazon by the father of a schizophrenic son and how unconventional methods, such as nature, helped his son:
Information about shamanism:
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Many People, Including Christians, Allow Manipulation of Their Consciousness
When I was a Christian, I was taught and believed that the following is demonic/evil:
- Yoga
- Meditation (other than meditating on the bible)
- Chakras
- Free Masons
- Astrology
In essence, many Christians believe that damn near everything is demonic/evil EXCEPT Christianity.
Can the above cited things be used for evil purposes? Likely, yes. But there are folks who use such FOR GOOD. Yep, some good hearted, honorably living folks indulge in what’s listed above -- and they AREN’T Christians.
So many Christians are deceived and unaware about how much they’ve embraced the manipulation of their consciousness. I was one such person until forsaking the control tactics and brainwashing that’s involved in the cult of Christianity. Other religions have their manipulative practices, as well. But I cannot reasonably express, in depth, about other than Christianity because I was, for many years, in bondage to the Christian cult, and know very little about the others..
My journey has included thoroughly reading, listening and viewing about yoga, meditation, chakras, Free Masons, astrology, etc. What I learned is that those things in and of themselves ARE NOT evil . . . but when used in good ways, contain certain healthy benefits. I typically meditate every day for about a half hour; most definitely it has benefited me in empowering ways. Chakras are the real deal, and worth researching, as are the other things that I mentioned in the above listing.
People who are content to remain unaware of the vast amounts of helpful information truly do themselves a disservice. Potential harm is a reality, and indeed real harm can result from continued unawareness.
Secrets in Plain Sight: Sacred Geometry Hidden in Nature & Architecture, by Scott Onstott
I'm almost finished viewing a VERY interesting YouTube video. It is in excess of three hours long so those inclined to view it may desire to watch it in segments. It gives some striking information indeed.
Here are a few notes that I took from it:
- Geometry matches cosmology.
- Architecture of the universe is embedded in Egyptian cosmology.
- Modern physics seems to be catching up with ancient knowledge.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Deception Has Reached Epidemic Levels
Decption has reached epidemic levels. So many folks refuse to think critically for themselves, but rather cleave to generational UNAWARENESS, myths, traditions, doctrines, and commandments of MEN.
We all have areas of ignorance; STUBBORN ignorance, though, is indeed more harmful . . .
Christians are some of the most deceived folks on the planet. I was one of them until choosing to dig, examine, and to investigate for myself. The truths that I discovered blew my mind, and set me on a journey of freedom that is TRULY liberating. Living, learning and amending as deemed fit makes certain sense.
Jesus as Lord and Savior is a myth. Satan is a myth. Heaven and folks spending eternity literally burning in a hell or lake of fire is a myth. Demons are myths.
The bible has truths in its content, but NOT all of it is truth. It is a book written by FLAWED men, some of which had agendas that were selfish and vain. All humans are flawed and incapable of being perfect. People are fooled into believing that ALL of bible content is accurate. I did some thorough examining and learned that it is NOT fully truth.
Largely Christianity "thrives" on fear tactics, manipulation of consciousness, control methods, and in some Christian circles, extorting money from deceived folks is in steady rotation. The same manipulations/tactics exist in other religions, but because I was once a die-hard, fervent Christian, I'm more familiar with THAT cult.
Also, Christianity is big BUSINESS that gains BILLIONS from deceiving gullible people.
It isn't wise or sensible to simply take my word for what I've expressed here. What is wise and sensible is to discover for yourselves what is and what isn't truth. Yes, dig, examine, view, research, investigate -- if you're TRULY inclined to be free and in the lanes of truths.
There is no greater energy field than love. All that lives has energy fields, frequencies, and vibrations.
God is love and light -- which are energies. God is in us as the core of our beings on awesome levels beyond our ability to fully comprehend.
There are folks who have agendas to manipulate consciousness and our energies and frequencies. We cannot be free if we allow such unhealthy interferences.
Learn and TRULY know or -- resist/reject TRUE freedom . . .
For those inclined, my blog has helpful information as a start to assorted discoveries, but NOTHING can replace unique, personal and signature journeys.
Yes, do your own investigations, as well as learning from others.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Balancing the Chakras
The 7 Chakras and Their Hidden Meanings
What Cattle?
CAPS in scriptures below are mine.
"Exodus 9:6 - KJV
And the Lord did that thing on the morrow, and ALL THE CATTLE OF EGYPT DIED: but of the cattle of the children of Israel died not one."
"Exodus 9:19 - KJV
SEND THEREFORE NOW, AND GATHER THY CATTLE, and all that thou hast in the field; for upon every man and beast which shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home, the hail shall come down upon them, and they shall die."
My questions:
What cattle? Exodus 9:6 says that ALL the cattle of EGYPT DIED. So how is it in Exodus 9:19 it says, "Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, . . .?"
Friday, March 20, 2015
Laws of the Universe
I found the content deeply helpful.
Here's the link:
42 Laws of Maat
48 Laws of Power