The purpose here is steadfast pursuit of pure truths. Researching, examining, viewing videos, considering, and receiving wise counsel is what goes on here. We've learned that it isn't wise to just accept what we've long been taught and what we've long believed. We NOW KNOW to dig to PROVE.
Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.
Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.
Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Dr. Prescribes Parks
I found this article deeply helpful.
Nature Deficiency
Connecting with Nature Boosts Creativity and Health
How Nature Deficit Disorder Impacts our Natural Life
Juan Martinez Was Helped by Nature Engagement
Children and Nature website
If you're inclined to read more of the content of this blog, here's the link
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Tree Hugging
The other day I was out with an associate who has been conscious much longer than me. He asked me if I'd heard of tree huggers. I responded no. He told me to look it up on YouTube, which I did.
Well, I'm here to express that I'm so glad that he shared that information with me.
I will state that tree hugging in itself isn't enough. It's part of the consciousness "package" to include steadfast love motions, meditation, healthy eating, exercise, etc.
After watching at least a couple of tree hugging YouTube videos, I tried it and IMMEDIATELY benefits were obvious. One of the videos mentions doing tree hugging for 20 seconds, which is what I did yesterday. Yes, indeed there was a spiritual connection!
In the BRIEF video that I've placed here, it mentions:
- Tree hugging multiplies cancer killer cells.
- Tree hugging aids in better moods.
Tree hugging is good for:
- Depression
- Headaches
- Concentration levels
- Cognitive
- Emotional abilities
- Creativity
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Thought Energy
I usually don't do such long posts, but felt that this length was necessary . . . .
Okay, y’all, this morning in my communion with the Most High, some profound information threaded its way into my consciousness needle.
I’ve been reading and viewing more and, among other things, I’ve learned that THOUGHTS are energy. Said energy can be THOUGHT into reality. Also, the Most High does honor sincerity relative to aims to live solidly meaningful lifestyles. We can be sincere but also, at times, sincerely wrong and/or sincerely limited.
When I was a Christian, my spiritual posture was fervent with steadfast and earnest aim to live according to bible content . . . as led by the Spirit . . . . I was deeply intense about my “Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” I got answered prayers, healings, rewards, etc. from the Most High because my sincere heart was obvious to our Creator.
Well, after many years as a fervent Christian, the Most High saw fit to remove me from my Christian box that wasn’t allowing me to spiritually advance to significantly deeper consciousness, enlightenment, empowerment, and awareness. Among numerous potent truths, I learned that Jesus as Lord and Savior is a myth.
There are some Christians who are as I once was -- sincere but wrong -- sincere but limited to the Christian religion, and the “Jesus as Lord” myth box. I still have a few dear Christian friends -- those who demonstrate love motions as lifestyles. We continue our love flow connections, but the difference is that they are limited in their awareness of the enormous spiritual avenues that exist.
Lovingly and respectfully, I don’t aim to convert folks for them to discover broader horizons in the spirit realm. I share my stance without -- typically -- doing communication beat downs on folks . . . and on the occasions when they inquire, I answer the best that I’m capable. Truth be told -- the reality is that many Christians aren’t steadfastly in love flow formation, and thus they communicate their religious postures with hostility in motion. I communicate with such hostile actions, accordingly . . . .
Also, I stress that spiritual journeys are unique and personal and that only the Most High can awaken dormant and limited spiritual postures . . . . The role of those who have entered dimensions of elevated spiritual postures is to love, care, consider, and to share . . .
Yes, the Most High answers prayers of SINCERE, but spiritually limited people . . . . Yes, the Most High delivers healings, comfort, etc. to them, but there are those, such as me, who the Most High has elected to remove from the boxes that limit . . . . Increasingly, more folks are coming away from Christianity and other box postures.
Yes, there are Christians who will go to their graves believing in the mythical Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and their limited spiritual postures . . . . And that works for them . . . . The energy of their thoughts feeds the Jesus, and Christian belief systems . . . . WITH THEIR THOUGHTS, they’ve made that their reality just as I did when I was in that limited realm . . . The Most High judges heart conditions WHOSOEVER AND WHATSOEVER the belief systems . . . . Only our Creator knows all . . . .
After leaving Christianity, I ceased to pray and to listen to gospel music. After learning . . . . I found those practices unpleasant. Well, learning more has helped so that I’m praying again, but NOT as before, and NOT at all to Jesus. I pray, ask and thank the Most High . . . in addition to asking and thanking my guides, of which I have more than a few. Anyone who is inclined can go to YouTube to learn about spiritual guides. Also, I meditate daily, which is profoundly beneficial. On occasion, I now play gospel music but typically NOT lyrics that contain the mythical Jesus. Some gospel lyrics/melodies are rich in love . . . . For a season, though, I had to get away from it . . .
In sum, there is no greater energy field than LOVE IN STEADFAST ACTION. Gratitude and sharing are major, too.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
What Plants Talk About
YouTube video
How Plants Communicate and Think
YouTube video
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Friday, May 22, 2015
Universal Rhythm
There's a vast pool of UNTAPPED knowledge. Increasingly, more "TAP dancers" are in place with the RHYTHM of the universe.
Yes, explosive happiness is attainable in the midst of the house niggas, and the other assorted b.s.
Cancel "Crippling" Problems and Learn About Occurrences
In my meditation today, this message came to me:
"You don't have problems; you have occurrences."
When we line up with the rhythm of the universe, we don't have "crippling" problems; we have occurrences. Universal movements are synchronized relative to what occurs -- IN PLACE.
Every occurrence has a meaningful and useful purpose and/or lesson for the further advancement of us, and universal movements. No occurrence is a vain exercise. Ask for the purposes, messages and lessons contained in them.
Definitions of synchronize:
1. occur or cause to occur at the same instance.
2. cause to agree in time.
Definition of occurrence (CAPS mine):
Something that TAKES PLACE
For those inclined, please click the link below to have access to the entirety of this blog's content.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Dimension Elevation
Hi -
Certainly, steadfastly tuning in to the energies, frequencies and vibrations of GOD within, there indeed exists a dimension that can be reached where the mode of “fear nothing and no one” can be attained. A dimension which includes no dependence on the external limitations of people but rather on the INTERNAL lights, awareness, strengths, and powers that for many folks have been dormant. That stellar dimension is available to those inclined to learn, discover and to partake.
Of course the roads to further enlightenment are processes and NOT always quick developments. But surely, remarkable power can be realized with love, diligence, practice, meditation, and where deemed necessary, hearts to amend. Definitely, choice UNAWARE people will observe the freedom postures achieved by awakened, enlightened, and empowered folks. As a result, some of the insecure, internally trapped folks will desire such pure freedoms and inquire and subsequently join the ranks of the truly free people.
We’ve heard people mention desires for the finer things in life. Typically, they mean material things. Well, the AUTHENTIC reality is that the finer things of life are NOT external -- rather they are INTERNAL. Those inclined to steadfastly love, respect, commune with and to embrace GOD consciousness KNOW, and are becoming more familiar with THAT rich reality.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Tree, Plant and Flower Information
Tree info:
Videos: (Forests)
Flower and Plant info:
"True Lies," an article from Ex-Christian.Net
I found this to be an EXCEPTIONAL read -- of truths.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Mindfulness on Capitol Hill
The clip here shares about a meditating congressman and a group of Capitol Hill staffers who regularly meet on the hill to meditate.
I'm a witness that meditation is indeed helpful and TRULY beneficial -- been doing it for more than a few months and positive results have manifested -- yes!
Folks are deceived who believe that meditation is demonic. It certainly is not evil.!/news/health/Mindfulness-on-Capitol-Hill/302855431
Advantages of meditation
Benefits of meditation
Benefits of mindfulness at work
Benefits of Group Meditation
Prisoners Transformed through Use of Meditation