Hi -
The sun is alive as is the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, constellations . . . and they talk . . . .Yes, the solar system talks.
The elements are alive and talk, too -- the earth, the fire, the air, and the water.
The creatures talk, as well . . . . We can sure tune into their languages and means of talking/communicating with us -- if we're so inclined . . . .
Also, all of the above respond to our talks. The levels of their responses sometimes vary . . . depending on how we engage them. They respond most appreciatively to love, gratitude and respect.
Whosoever has ears to hear, let us hear . . . . And let us be mindful to speak how they best respond to our methods of talking/communicating with them . . . . The ideal is our steadfast aim to act in concert with the rhythm of the vast and awesome universe.
Harmony is in the equations for us . . . if we reach for and yearn to learn how to best attain it . . .
That which is hidden can indeed be revealed to -- whosoever will invest . . .
This ain't no corner store movement . . .