The purpose here is steadfast pursuit of pure truths. Researching, examining, viewing videos, considering, and receiving wise counsel is what goes on here. We've learned that it isn't wise to just accept what we've long been taught and what we've long believed. We NOW KNOW to dig to PROVE.
Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.
Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.
Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Native American Facts
Dream Catchers
Dream Catchers symbolize strength and unity.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Saturday, December 24, 2016
John the Conqueror
Galangal Root Cut (Chewing Root)
Lawdy, I just learned that is another John Root known as Galangal Root Cut (chewing root). It's recommended for court cases, etc.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Storm Element Crystals -- Crystals and Their Elements
Storm Element Crystals, and Other Crystals and Their Elements
Monday, December 19, 2016
Dragon Info…
Dragon Totem
Dragon Symbolism
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Thursday, December 15, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
Tea Bath
From Justin on FB (LTM)
Find herbs sacred to your chosen God and make a tea of it. Let it set for 9 minutes then place it on your altar. Light your candles and bless the bath in the name of your chosen God. Sit, stand or lay there for 9 minutes and meditate on the chose God. Run your regular bath water and add the tea to it. Soak in it as long as you like, visualizing yourself becoming one with them. Then get out and air dry. Head back to your altar, thank your chosen God and chill.
Ladies, do the female version of this and call on your chosen Goddess.
Jasmine, Money Drawing Oil
By request here's a list of ways to use my Signature Magick Money Drawing Oil
1. Rub a drop of your hands to attract cash gifts or before any financial business deals . Especially job interviews , loan applications or before yearly employement reviews
2. Place a drop or two on your feet so abundance and prosperity follows you everywhere you go
4. Put a drop on your bills to help bring in the cash needed to pay them.
5. Add to any money drawing candle
6.drop some in your bath water BUT DO NOT apply directly to "wet skin" my products contains cinnamon and trust me I learned the hard way

7. Anoit your money stones (tumble stones are best) citrine,carnelian,pyrite,tiger's eye and aventurine. All other stones be sure to confirm oil will not damage them.
8.Rub some on mojo /gris gris bag.
9. Add to your bottle of liquid hand soap
10. Placing a drop on all 4 tires will help keep your vehicle from draining money out of your pockets.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Quartz, Clear
Friday, December 2, 2016
Foods, Magickal
From Kelvin on FB:
APPLE: known as the Wiccan food that is the sacred fruit to the Goddess. The sacred fruit to the Isle of Avalon. If you cut an apple horizontally through it's center, you will see the 5 pointed star formed by its seeds. A wiccan food that is used in love, healing, garden magic, and immortality.
AVOCADO: a vegetable that is ruled by Venus. Meat, skin, and pit is useable for wicca in the kitchen. Eat it for beauty and relaxation. Serve it to calm down a lover from a quarrel or fit.
BACON: a meat ruled by Adonis; when used as a Wiccan food can be eaten to increase earnings. Can be smeared on the body to remove marital tension and to aid in the forgiveness of adulterous affairs.
BAGEL: a round shaped bread with a hole that is ruled by Adonis. A Wiccan food that is perfect for breakfast and is of various flavors and types. Eat bagels to create illusions. Warning: never ever eat pork products on a bagel, it brings bad luck!
1) Sesame bagels: prosperity
2) Poppy bagels: eaten before bed to increase dream activity (don't eat before having to take a drug test as the poppy seeds are known to induce a positive for opiates)
3) Salt bagels: gets rid of inconsistencies
4) Cinnamon bagels: makes flattery come easy
BANANA: an everyday Wiccan food that is a fruit and is ruled by Mars. Prevents harm and accidents while traveling cross-country or in the air. To increase sexual stamina - dry and crush the banana into a powder and than rub it on your body.
BASIL: a popular Wiccan food for Wicca in the kitchen. A very useful and fragrant herb that can be used fresh or dried in cooking. This is a lust herb and the aroma calls forth sexual energy.
CHOCOLATE: A Wiccan food that can be used as flavoring or as a dessert itself; can be used as a beverage too (hot cocoa/chocolate). Chocolate is a power drug and it holds properties of love. Dark chocolate is associated with romance and sexual love. Milk chocolate is associated with nurturing and friendship. A staple for Wicca in the kitchen, especially for those trying to induce love or aspects of love.
EGGS: a Wiccan food that is ruled by fertility Goddesses and the Moon. Makes great psychic cleansers. Eat hardboiled on a new moon for rejuvenation/rebirth magick. Removes jinxes when added to incense blends.
KETCHUP: with Wicca in the kitchen, even condiments have magickal properties! Ketchup is a Wiccan food that is ruled by Venus. When drawn in the shape of a pentagram is used for summoning or dismissing energy. When spreading on other Wiccan foods, can be used in visualizing relationships. Continue to visualize or call out person's name while consuming ketchup.
MAYONNAISE: another Wiccan food that is a condiment and is ruled by the Moon. Symbolizing bringing greatness to the mundane or wealth to the poor. Spread on bread or mix with a salad to ward off poverty and fear of failure.
MILK: a Wiccan food for Wicca in the kitchen that is used on a daily basis in many households. Ruled by the Moon, Hathor, Venus, Mercury, and Ellegua. Associated with cows: summons nurturing, prosperity, and protection. Have a milk bath on Mondays and new moons.
1) Goat's milk: power and success.
2) Soy milk: job success
3) Coconut milk: protection & spiritual cleansing
PASTA: in Wicca in the kitchen, pasta is a Wiccan food that is ruled by Mercury.
1) Spiral pasta: enhances creativity
2)Spaghetti/linguini: protection and improving communications.
3) Corn pasta: financial creativity
4) Rice pasta: love
PIZZA: a delicious and recreational Wiccan food that is ruled by the Sun. Eat pizza when things are difficult and you need a lucky break.
RUM: a Wiccan food that is an alcohol that is ruled by Elegua and Chango. Rum channels spirits of the gods and is given as an offering to attract the gods' favor. Use in baking a rum cake or mix with coke for a fun Friday night!
SUGAR: a Wiccan food for Wicca in the kitchen that is ruled by Orishas and Venus. When powdered, sprinkle sugar on pink or red love candles to draw someone's attention.
SUSHI: a Wiccan food that is Japanese in origin and is ruled by Neptune and Venus. Sushi used in Wicca in the kitchen will increase psychic awareness and sexual prowess.
TURKEY: a Wiccan food that is sacred to the Native American Great Spirit. When cooked at home, the turkey brings blessings. The skin is used for confidence in love and the breastbone is considered highly magickal.
ZUCCHINI: a Wiccan food that is ruled by Jupiter. Whole raw zucchinis are used in sex magick. To stop a man from cheating, carve his name in the zucchini and freeze it. Eat zucchini cooked for protection and prosperity