Hi -
About a couple of weeks ago, I was guided within to purchase, online, some Tektite. I ordered three pieces. Today, I was led again to look up the meaning of it.
The word that glaringly stood out to me was -- telepathy. For quite sometime I've had an earnest interest in mental telepathy, and did some research on it as well as watched some YouTube videos.
Last night, I watched one of Ashera Star Goddess' recent videos. In it, she mentioned using Tektite, among other crystals, for dark energy actions.
Today after I read that Tektite is associated with telepathy, I wire wrapped one and am now wearing it around my neck.
Moldavite is a type of Tektite.
Here's an excerpt from an article, link below, that I read about Tektite:
"Regular work with Tektite can activate and enhance psychic abilities, is thought to encourage telepathy, and can help with lucid dreaming and astral travel. Tektite can sometimes increase the frequency of synchronicities, making it helpful for manifestation programs. Those who consistently carry Tektite during their spiritual work may begin to experience a thinning of the veil between dimensions."
Tektite is a very beautiful dark glossy meteorite of various shapes and
sizes. It emits a very strong orange aura and although it looks
externally black
(because of very
concentrated LIGHT inside it) it is in fact orange, in thin areas
yellow, sometimes even a very gentle green. Due to the high density of
its structure it is a very solid stone. It is quite hard to make a hole
with a diamond drill without destroying or completely eroding one.
Tektite works with a very strong energy and powerful low frequency
vibration "OM" and around itself permeates all that is stubborn and
rigid. It totally disables powers of black magic, spells, darkness and
all what can influence in a negative way – not only that it disables
their power but it has so much LUGHT inside that it re-establishes order
and balance. Not everyone can wear Tektite, because it simply doesn't
allow you to do bad to yourself, your loved ones or anyone surrounding
With Tektite your intentions and actions can only be good and
positive. It gives you an incredible start, flight and Light speed if
you have a good purpose or a positive act on your mind; in an opposite
way, it starts to urge you inside your HEART. Conscience strongly starts
to remind you that something you are doing is not right and with the
help of Tektite's power you are set back on the right path. Tektite is
most successful in healing the biggest emotional illnesses and physical
addictions (epilepsy, hard drugs, alcohol, etc.) and it is also the best
protection against all evil. It is an incredibly good device at
meetings, serious talks, courts, etc. because it gives insight into what
is true and right.
Tektite permeates you with Wisdom, justice and
seriousness. It is ideal for the protection from all types of radiation.
If you lay Tektites around the bed or around the room or around an
object in the form of a circle or Mandala (at least 6, 12 or 24, plus
1), you gain a very strong protection. You always have to put the
largest Tektites in the north and south and in the Center. In Mandala it
means one or more star circles. For example: outer circle contains 12,
inner circle 6, and 1 largest Tektite in the Center. Larger and heavier
Tektites are more powerfull. Such protection in the form of a circle or
Mandala is very strong against all evil that flies on you in a spiritual
world, your entire space, objects or neighborhood.
With Tektite
you find yourself once again, you find love for your neighbor, you
become bonded with the Creator, all your concerns and financial problems
slowly resolve. It is a wonderful tool, a co-traveler from the old to
the new, from the material to the Spiritual, from evil into good, it
fills you with peace, with a great sense of security, with the power of
Wisdom from the eternal indestructible LIGHT.
Onosmil Zlatobor
https://mycrystalpedia.wordpress.com/t/tektite/ (FAV)
http://earthandstars.org/articles/terra/meteorites-and-tektites/ (Mentions about Meteorites)