M.C. I cant refute or support your claim because I have a very different view and perspective of the energy. Each of our experiences are shaped and created by our own psychic understanding. Of course I feel positively and have pleasant associations with the name and vibration of this energy. I have had real physical encounters with real entities, this energy is not that and there is nothing to fear. I am sorry you had this experience and there is a lot to be said about our encounters with negative energies and our own vibration we carry as well as resonance and attraction. Please keep this in mind, and this is for everyone who is fearful. We attract our own essence and vibrations. We resonate with that with which we share resonant frequency. Like attracts like. I would truly like to look more deeply at your claim using oracles to ensure that the association you make is certainly due to your association with the book. Of course I accept what you say, but there is a lot more to this issue than meets the eye. I'm happy to consult with you if you PM me. I would never do or share anything that would cause someone harm and I am adept enough to be sure of that. Please get with me Much love to you Goddess.