

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Women of Power

I saw the content below on Twitter this morning.

It struck me that her name is so similar to yours, and what I read reminded me of you. I know that you don't get into politics, but still I was reminded of you.

Here is what I read:

Letitia James is poised to make waves defending the state’s liberal legacy. From immigrant family separations to rollbacks on climate change policy, AG-elect James will be a force pushing back against President Donald Trump through legal challenges."

Letitia responded:

"You bet I will."