I wonder who wrote the words shown in red text in some Bibles attributed to Jesus, as if verbatim -- word for word -- though those subject words in red were written MANY years AFTER Jesus walked the earth in the flesh.
The red words in text are LENGTHY, -- in FOUR gospels, and a bit in Acts. It's NOT possible to quote someone VERBATIM -- word for word -- at such LENGTHS -- ESPECIALLY MANY YEARS later . . . which is when those red words were written.
Inspiration doesn't MEAN necessarily VERBATIM -- WORD FOR WORD,
When Jesus was on the mount of transfiguration -- the Bible DOES NOT mention any scribes being there.
It's NOT possible for HUMAN, FLAWED SPECIMENS to quote -- at that length -- verbatim -- word for word -- MANY years later -- AFTER Jesus walked the earth in the flesh.
Who "recorded" when Jesus was ALONE with -- the Bible says "the devil"? It was expressed that it was JESUS and the devil -- period. Yet, the words THOSE TWO UTTERED -- verbatim -- word for word -- were "recorded" in the Bible.
I don't, however, agree relative to Jesus and the LENGTHY red text in some Bibles attributed -- as verbatim -- word for word -- expressions UTTERED by Jesus - EVEN WHEN HE WAS ALONE . . . with NO ONE present to SCRIBE.
That doesn't effectively explain when no scribes were present -- and when Jesus was ALONE -- with the Bible says -- "the devil -- and how those words were "recorded" in the Bible as being expressed by Jesus and the devil -- if only THOSE TWO were present for that subject encounter.
More reasons why I AND OTHERS -- REASONABLY -- don’t believe that the Bible content is ENTIRELY accurate and WHOLLY true.