I posted this topic on Facebook today. The subsequent dialogue is striking in particular areas. You may be inclined to read some of the relative comments. Note: I'm not sure how long Facebook keeps posts in their system.
Here's what I posted there today, December 16, 2014:
Many Christians speak about folks being anti-Christ while so many of them, in their own lifestyles -- are anti-Christ -- according to the teachings expressed in the Bible that so many claim is the Word of God. Yep, many of the professing Christians live anti-Christ lifestyles. One area that Christians often fail in -- is demonstrations of love. So often love flow is lacking in Christian lifestyles.
Of course, there are some truly loving Christians who prove it with their lifestyle attitudes.
How is it explained that some NON-CHRISTIANS have such steadfastly loving spirits -- and prove it with their consistently LOVING actions?