Mormons believe that their book is the sacred book. Muslims believe that their book is the sacred book. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their book is the sacred book.
Christians believe that the Bible is the sacred book. WHICH Bible -- as there are NUMEROUS translations? Christians have more "sacred" book translations than any other religion. If PERFECT GOD REALLY inspired ALL of the Bible -- PERFECT GOD could surely have made it so that ALL people could understand what was written WITHOUT so many translations being necessary. PERFECT GOD PRODUCES PERFECTLY and is sure able to provide ONE BOOK TO BE UNDERSTOOD BY ALL OF CREATION.
I removed my name from the dotted line of ANY religion. Instead I've chosen DOING love -- and aiming for more truths -- as my signature style. That's SPIRITUAL.
All religions have measures of truth and all of them have some control tactics, manipulation methods, and some religions have extortion practices in rotation. And all religions have some jacked up doctrines, rules, policies, belief systems, etc.
I'm done with the suppression and bondage of religion. I's free now, y'all.