The bible contains codes. That's one reason why, though I'm no longer a Christian, I still read it on occasion. More and more awakened people are figuring out code messages that are found in the Bible.
NO, I don't believe that ALL in the bible is truth, but there are indeed some truths in it. The same goes for other so-called sacred books; they all contain MEASURES of truths.
Folks need to beware because the bible has long been used and is still being used as a control tool to manipulate -- to keep folks spiritually comatose . . . and to keep people from AWAKENING TO TRUE freedom.
So learn HOW to read it AFTER awakening to the AWARENESS of its role. And AFTER awakening to the REAL, AND TRUE YOU!
CAPS in scripture below . . . are mine.
One such message is in Amos 5:8 - KJV, which says, "Seek him that maketh the SEVEN STARS and ORION . . ."
Orion is a constellation. If you go to the Wikipedia link that I've provided, look on the right side bar and it shows a photo of the constellation Orion and it has there -- this: "MAIN STARS -- 7."
Many Christians have been led to believe that it's an abomination to deal in astrology. Astrology derives from ASTRONOMY. Astrology is considered pseudo-science -- but ASTRONOMY is INDEED legit. Astronomy deals with stars, constellations, etc. There's deep meaning found in learning more about ASTRONOMY. The ancient people used it CONSIDERABLY.