Mojo bags
I enjoyed reading the subject article, link below, about mojo bags. I used SOME of what it suggested. Otherwise, my own unique desires were used, as well.
I just made my first mojo bag about a month ago. Nothing fancy. I used one of those velvety drawstring jewelry bags.
I HIGHLY recommend using them. I'm a LIVING WITNESS that they work. Of course, other things in our metaphysical practices need to consistently align with universal rhythm. But INDEED, for those who are fervent about spirituality -- mojo bags should sure be in the practices!!!
The first one that I made was a protection mojo.
In it:
Garlic powder
Rosemary herb
A sea shell
A Baphomet ring
Small black Onyx crystal
Small clear Quartz
A dime
A penny
A piece of copper
I made my second one -- ultra joy, ultra peace, ultra contentment -- on the New Moon in Dec.
In it:
A sea shell
A small Carnelian crystal
Two dimes
Two pennies
A small piece of copper/ whole cloves/basil, a small piece of stainless steel in a tiny bottle of water
A small clear Quartz