The purpose here is steadfast pursuit of pure truths. Researching, examining, viewing videos, considering, and receiving wise counsel is what goes on here. We've learned that it isn't wise to just accept what we've long been taught and what we've long believed. We NOW KNOW to dig to PROVE.
Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.
Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.
Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Love Ain't No Wimp
Dammit, more folks need to come to understand that love applications have an assortment of facets.
Love ain't no damn wimp.
I'm all for love in demonstration, but included in my love operations is an arsenal of weaponry that will go key board "gangster" on folks who persist in being assholes. And for those close encounters of the face to face and telephone kind -- I don't cave to bullshit in those arenas either.
My belief is in constructive communications, and disagreements, but when "ignant" folks overstep boundaries . . . my kid gloves come off and my boxing gloves are their replacements.
My space is nowhere to park bullshit without being "ticketed" and perhaps
"towed" depending on the infractions.
Yes, I love -- but I ain't no damn fool. And I ain't a sucker, whipping post, or yes woman for nobody. And folks attempting to do communication beat downs on me do so at their own risk . . .
There's that saying, "Don't start no shit and it won't be none." Another saying that readily comes to mind is, "If you can't take it, don't dish it out."
To everything there is a season. So ignoring can be the order of the day. Limited responses can be the order of the day. Cussing "ignant" ass folks out can be the order of the day. Unfriending/blocking folks can be the order of the day, etc.
That's how this sista girl rolls. Miss me with the bullshit and shiggatry.
Love, Sandra
P.S. I tagged other thoroughbreds on this 'cause I know that you can relate . . .
Here's THE REAL on the Same Sex Marriage Ruling Yesterday
Some Christians be bitching about homosexuality while they (some Christians) have habits of lying; being selfish; being verbally, physically, and sexually abusive; back-stabbing; not reporting all of their income; having sex without being married; not seeking forgiveness from those they have wronged, not making amends relative to wrongs they have committed, etc. But some of those same violating the bible content Christians will boldly proclaim that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour when their characters don't even align with the Jesus who they profess. And some of those same Christians will slap scriptures online and elsewhere in a New York minute, and they quickly quote scriptures to folks, too.
Striking, that the lying Christians typically don't be posting and citing scriptures about how the bible doesn't approve of LIES . . . and other b.s. conduct that many Christians exhibit.
And most vital -- so MANY Christians habitually don't have loving postures. And they want to gripe about homosexuality.
NOBODY with any measures of good sense take such Christians seriously.
Miss us thoroughbreds with the bullshit.
I'm NOT on board with the homosexual lifestyle, but I ain't on board with the unloving, double standard Christians either.
By the way, there are homosexuals who are more loving towards people, overall, than some Christians . . .
When all is said and done -- LOVE transcends differences . . .
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Nature Helps Kids Learn Better
Connecting with Nature Boosts Creativity and Health
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Non-Christians Amongst Christians
The question is often asked -- why are non-Christians in Christian FB groups?
The universe represents ONENESS. We are all ONE with the universe. Unreasonable separatism violates universal laws.
In the bible, there are instances of non-Christians regularly being in the midst of Christians.
In workplaces, non-Christians are regularly in the midst of Christians.
In school, non-Christians are regularly in the midst of Christians.
In sports, non-Christians are regularly in the midst of Christians
That is the reality of the universal rhythm.
Some people want to be sheltered in Christian cocoons.
That ain't how real life operates. Living in "bubbles" ain't freedom. TRULY FREE folks thrive ANYWHERE.
Jeremiah 12:5 - KJV
If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?
Why do so many Christians desire to exist in Christian "bubbles," "shelters," "cocoons," "monasteries"?
I already know about the scripture, "be not unequally yoked . . ."
Monday, June 22, 2015
Deconversion - Personal Relationship (Voice)
The subject video (link below) is less than 10 minutes long. It is Part 2.5 of a series. I HIGHLY recommend viewing the entire series. I didn't watch it all in one sitting, but rather a bit at a time until I finished it.
Note: I don't agree with or understand everything that he says in the video SERIES, but the BULK OF IT, I do agree with him . . . I do agree with him in the 2.5 segment.
Ref: The 2.5 segment
To say that I was shocked to learn what he expresses is an understatement. It is an EXCEPTIONAL message -- yes, PROFOUND.
Our subconscious mind talks back to us, y'all.
This is exceptional. The link immediately below is Part 2.5: Deconversion -- Personal Relationship
It mentions that the voice thought of us as God is -- God consciousness within.
Here's the link to all of the segments in his series:
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Benefits of Group Meditation
The headline says, "Studies Prove Group Meditation Can Lower Crime, Suicide, & Deaths In Surrounding Areas"
The Christian Hell Is a Hoax
Pre-biblical origins of hell
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
My Journey In and Out of Christianity
I posted this on Facebook on June 23, 2015:
In a nutshell:
. . . I was a Christian for MANY years -- on fire for God, reading the bible sometimes three times a day and AIMING fervently to do what it instructs -- praying sometimes three times a day, including laying prostrate on the floor often three times a day -- speaking in tongues, studying the bible, memorizing bunches of scriptures, going to churches, Sunday school, bible studies, witnessing to others, writing and publishing Christian e-books, and fellowshipping with other Christians. Practicing love, giving, etc. The whole Christian shebang.
I posted this on Facebook on June 19, 2015:
Hi -
I love folks but I love Sandra more and being true to me is vital. Yes, I have flaws just as everyone else but one thing that I am is consistently sincere -- sometimes sincerely wrong but fakeness has NEVER been one of my shortcomings. And people notice that about me and some resent that I don't follow b.s. or what doesn't set right with my inner self. I LOVE sincerity and hate lies. And I've lost count of how many unloving and lying Christians that I've encountered . . . . Love is key to me but love ain't no wimp.
Now to answer the inboxed question to me as to why I abandoned Christianity.
I love truth, integrity, and honesty, caring and giving to others. A lot of the Christian principles are from universal laws -- love, joy, giving to others, etc. Such good "fruits" aren't exclusive to Christianity. There are loving, honest, generous, and responsible Atheists, Agnostics, Muslims, Buddhists, JW's, etc., too. Such isn't EXCLUSIVE to Christians . . . .
- The four elements: water, air, fire, and earth
- And much that is beyond the comprehension of any of us.
Though we're all unique, we do have some commonalities . . . .
We need relationships.
The BEST is to reject the separatism that religions promote. The universe is ONENESS. We are all ONE with the rhythm of universal movements.
There is no greater energy field than LOVE.
Note: I have family members, and a few friends who are Christians. That works for them. I love them and they love me. Love transcends spiritual differences. I respect that they believe differently -- such is reality.
Note: To view the entirety of this blog, the link is
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Aim for Universal Oneness
Rejection of Limited Living
June 18, 2015, response to a Christian in FB, group, SL:
That foul posture that you displayed in your post is indicative of the profile of so many Christians -- unloving. But are quick to fight to defend the bible content as absolute truth -- while having a pattern of doing WHAT IT does NOT teach. Yep, Christians vigorously defending the bible as infallible and inerrant while doing contrary to their vigorous defenses of it . . .
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
I posted this on Facebook this morning.
Hi -
Some people who don’t agree with Christianity deem it offensive and insulting to be FALSELY labeled as “unbelievers.” I BELIEVE in truths, which means that I am a believer. ALL people are believers . . .
The spiritual posture of many Christians is that ONLY Christians are believers. Everybody else is an unbeliever? How arrogant . . .
Christians attach “believers” as EXCLUSIVE to them and that’s offensive and out of order . . .
Bible worship can aid in people clinging to bigotry, and belief systems that demean folks who don't believe as Christians do. Many Christians behave in postures that are indicative that they're in the "EXCLUSIVE CLUB" of believers. Nobody but them are believers. Really? Puh-leeze.
Darla (in another group) had mentioned relative to non-Christians -- about not casting PEARLS before swine and wiping dust off feet if non-Christians persist in resisting the gospel message (That's the gist of what she expressed.) My response: So only Christians are in "PEARLS" arena? Everybody else is swine? How arrogant . . .
Bible worshipers are some of the most offensive and unloving people on the planet. I'm well familiar because I was one of them, and came to recognize my own bigotry and disorderly conduct relative to those who weren't/aren't in the "EXCLUSIVE CHRISTIAN CLUB."
Just because people don't agree with the ways of Christianity doesn't place us in the category of "unbelievers" that Christians so readily toss out in reference to us. Who do Christians think they are . . . ?
Relative to referencing those people who don’t agree with Christianity -- better terms to use rather than the erroneous “unbelievers” -- are “non-Christians” or “non-followers of Jesus Christ.” Does anyone have any other ACCURATE descriptions? -- because using “unbelievers” to describe folks who don’t believe the Christian way -- ISN’T accurate.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Woman and Leopard Communicate -- His Attitude POSITIVELY Changes
This is STUNNING and REMARKABLE to view.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Inside Out Love
Folks can't TRULY love out if they're NOT TRULY loving in.
People who don't love what's inside them aren't capable of loving what's outside them.
Bottom feeding and destructive folks don't truly love what's inside them so to expect such people to love what's outside them is TRULY unrealistic.
What can top feeding folks do to aid folks who have bottom feeding inclinations and lifestyles?
Hmmm, marinating on that . . .
One solution is for bottom feeders to detox from their junk food diets -- bottom feeding attitudes -- and to switch to TRUE quality diets. Otherwise, they'll keep being anemic . . . spiritually, mentally and otherwise . . .
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
About Water
The YouTube video (link below) about water is strikingly interesting. I recommend it.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Erin Pavlina
I HIGHLY recommend visiting and reading from Erin's website.
Her website:
Invoking Jesus and God During Astral Experiences
Understanding Moon Phases
Full Moon Dates for 2015 (EST)
Daytime Moons
About Rocks and Stones
About rocks
How Rocks and Stones are Formed
Metaphysical Properties of Stones
Crystals and Gemstones
About Healing Stones
Fire Element Gemstones
Psychic Energy by Sun Signs and Elements
I loved viewing this video. She mentions no need to buy expensive gemstones. Standard stones are just as effective . . .