I posted this on Facebook on June 23, 2015:
In a nutshell:
. . . I was a Christian for MANY years -- on fire for God, reading the bible sometimes three times a day and AIMING fervently to do what it instructs -- praying sometimes three times a day, including laying prostrate on the floor often three times a day -- speaking in tongues, studying the bible, memorizing bunches of scriptures, going to churches, Sunday school, bible studies, witnessing to others, writing and publishing Christian e-books, and fellowshipping with other Christians. Practicing love, giving, etc. The whole Christian shebang.
I posted this on Facebook on June 19, 2015:
Hi -
I love folks but I love Sandra more and being true to me is vital. Yes, I have flaws just as everyone else but one thing that I am is consistently sincere -- sometimes sincerely wrong but fakeness has NEVER been one of my shortcomings. And people notice that about me and some resent that I don't follow b.s. or what doesn't set right with my inner self. I LOVE sincerity and hate lies. And I've lost count of how many unloving and lying Christians that I've encountered . . . . Love is key to me but love ain't no wimp.
Now to answer the inboxed question to me as to why I abandoned Christianity.
I love truth, integrity, and honesty, caring and giving to others. A lot of the Christian principles are from universal laws -- love, joy, giving to others, etc. Such good "fruits" aren't exclusive to Christianity. There are loving, honest, generous, and responsible Atheists, Agnostics, Muslims, Buddhists, JW's, etc., too. Such isn't EXCLUSIVE to Christians . . . .
- The four elements: water, air, fire, and earth
- And much that is beyond the comprehension of any of us.
Though we're all unique, we do have some commonalities . . . .
We need relationships.
The BEST is to reject the separatism that religions promote. The universe is ONENESS. We are all ONE with the rhythm of universal movements.
There is no greater energy field than LOVE.
Note: I have family members, and a few friends who are Christians. That works for them. I love them and they love me. Love transcends spiritual differences. I respect that they believe differently -- such is reality.
Note: To view the entirety of this blog, the link is www.journeyawakenings.blogspot.com