

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Here's THE REAL on the Same Sex Marriage Ruling Yesterday

Hi -

Some Christians be bitching about homosexuality while they (some Christians) have habits of lying; being selfish; being verbally, physically, and sexually abusive; back-stabbing; not reporting all of their income; having sex without being married; not seeking forgiveness from those they have wronged, not making amends relative to wrongs they have committed, etc.  But some of those same violating the bible content Christians will boldly proclaim that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour when their characters don't even align with the Jesus who they profess.  And some of those same Christians will slap scriptures online and elsewhere in a New York minute, and they quickly quote scriptures to folks, too.

Striking, that the lying Christians typically don't be posting and citing scriptures about how the bible doesn't approve of LIES . . . and other b.s. conduct that many Christians exhibit.

And most vital -- so MANY Christians habitually don't have loving postures. And they want to gripe about homosexuality.

NOBODY with any measures of good sense take such Christians seriously.

Miss us thoroughbreds with the bullshit.


I'm NOT on board with the homosexual lifestyle, but I ain't on board with the unloving, double standard Christians either.

By the way, there are homosexuals who are more loving towards people, overall, than some Christians . . .

When all is said and done -- LOVE transcends differences . . .