

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Free Spirits Positively Elevate

Hi -

Application of increased knowledge increases the happiness quotient.

Shedding long held false beliefs does the heart, soul, mind and body good.

How spiritually crippling is it to persist in stubborn mode by continuing to embrace the "satisfaction" of unawareness?

Rejection of TRUE freedom ain't bliss.


Salutes to the folks brave and expanded enough to journey away from destructive manipulations, myths, fiction, nonsense and traditions/commandments of men.

Free spirits positively elevate . . . !


For those ready to escape the confinement of lies, insufficient teachings, myths and bogus beliefs, you may be inclined to get started by visiting my blog that has lots of enlightenment from assorted credible resources.

The info on my blog is a good start, but NOTHING can replace or substitute for personal research UNIQUELY your own quest for more truths . . .

Here's the link to get to the entirety of my blog:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Salute to Free Thinking

Hi -

Largely, Christianity is a hustle -- likely so are other religions but I don’t know enough about them to reasonably assess their inclinations.  But my many years in Christianity have revealed that it’s, for the most part, about mind control, manipulation and often, material profit for the hustlers of it.

Nope, religion, of any sort, doesn’t encourage FREE THINKING from the God places within each of us -- for those who choose to pursue real, deal freedom . . .

I’m reading a potent book titled, “The Ancient Ones.”  Thank you, Higher Consciousness, for telling me about it.

Today I read this in the book, “We had best go into space with an open mind and a willingness to allow others “out there” the freedom of worship that fits their needs, if we wish to keep that freedom for ourselves.”


I’m glad that I read that; it helps me to be mindful to respect what others choose to believe.  My issue, though, to an extent, are the Christian folks who don’t even adhere to Bible content as their LIFESTYLE choice.  Yet they believe and tell non-Christians that ONLY adherence to Bible content is the way, the truth, and the life.  That’s NOT true. 

I’m all for loving and respecting choices that others make in their belief systems, but they should do the same for those of us who KNOW that we are loving, respectful, responsible, giving, and free WITHOUT yielding to religious hustles and bondage restrictions on the God within us.     

So I’m NOT inclined to bash Christianity, and KNOW that there are indeed some Christians who live good and upstanding lives.  And I’m not going to bash other religions either.  There are numerous Christians, though, who bash any belief system that isn’t Christian.  They need to stop THAT bigotry and unreasonable conduct of believing that damn near everything is demonic EXCEPT Christianity.

Some of the things that Christians consider demonic are: meditations, yoga, astrology . . . Those things, in and of themselves, are NOT evil.  Just like anything else, they can be misused.  I meditate every day and the benefits are profound; there’s an abundance of scientific/medical evidence that supports that TRUTH.  People claim that yoga is beneficial, too.  I’ve never practiced it so I cannot reasonably comment on yoga other than to express that it isn’t demonic.  Astrology provides insight; I’m learning more about it.

God isn’t confined to any religious boxes; God is within us.  I’m done with in-the-box living.  Sandra is becoming more in love with my status as a free thinker, and am glad to engage with others who are of free thinking mindsets.  My goal is to love and respect people, REGARDLESS of belief systems.  But love ain’t no wimp; folks need to come this way with respect or get checked  ‘cause some free thinkers distribute spiritual gangster “juice.”  I’m of THAT number -- if damn push comes to shove . . .

There is no greater energy field than love.

Note : For those inclined, this blog has loads of beneficial free thinking information.  Here's the link to the entirety of my blog, "Journey Awakenings"

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Lie We LIve

Hi -

What I posted on Facebook today:

Just minutes ago, I finished my first meditation for the day and thought about how I believe that excess usage of technology contributes to the breakdown of relationship skills.  Harmonious and healthy relationships  include love motions, compassion, sharing, kindness, etc.

Often, technology has replaced personal interactions. We need to do better to keep technology in balance . . .

RIGHT AFTER I came out of that mindset in my meditation practice today, I came on Facebook and saw the subject video (link below) posted by Higher Consciousness.  It expresses VERY similar to what I was just thinking in meditation.

Thank you, Higher Consciousness, for posting the video that resonates and speaks volumes -- hugely!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Teaching Meditation in Prison

Hi -

I REALLY enjoyed watching this.  The subject video has more than one topic.  At about the 52:08 mark, it shared about how teaching inmates meditation had some remarkable results.  They began the teaching at one of the most dangerous prisons in the U.S.A. -- W. E. Donaldson Correctional Facility in Alabama.

After the selected inmates graduated, one correctional officer said about the participants:

- more relaxed
- easier to get along with
- don't cause as many problems

One of the administrator's said:

- better able to conduct themselves
- less angry
- more mindful
- increased emotional intelligence

The program has been expanded . . . 

Again, the story about the successful meditation program in the facility begins at about the 52:08 mark on the subject video.

Cultivating Minds of Warriors

Hi -

Excerpt from content of the link:

"First, the warrior—at his most impeccable and most effective—must embody what one Marine lance corporal once described to me as “both the monk and the killer.” This truth makes many civilians, especially those at the liberal end of the political spectrum, very uncomfortable. A true warrior must be able to still her body and mind to call forth strength; exhibit endurance during harsh environmental conditions; have awareness of herself, others and the wider environment so she can make discerning choices; access compassion for herself, her compatriots, her adversary and the locals where she is deployed; and show self-control during provocation so that she doesn’t overreact. And yet, if the moment demands, she must also have the capacity to kill, cleanly, without hesitation and without remorse. "

Saturday, April 4, 2015


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Artifacts That Came from Space

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Wisdom from Native Americans

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Say What? Head Transplants?

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Things to Do to Make You Happier

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