

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Waking up to More Awareness

Hi -

- Many people are existing on recycled, repetitive, insufficient and often deceptive information.

- Many people are dumbed down and have become "comfortable" in states of ignorance. We all have areas of ignorance -- key is to be receptive to becoming better informed . . .

- Many folks have poor diets and don't consume enough brain foods.

- Many folks are afraid of change.

- Many folks have become prisoners of their perceptions.

- Many folks aren't TRULY AWAKENED to who they are.

- Many folks FALSELY believe that they are adequately awakened to who they are -- and awakened to the vitals relative to life -- and living it to the fullest . . . But they are woefully wrong in lots of aspects . . .

- Plainly "speaking" -- some folks are just addicted to stupid.

There are, however, MORE folks who are AWAKENING and thereby seeking more about love, truth, peace -- and what "ingredients" add up to TRUE POWER AND FREEDOM.

Yep, more folks are coming out of "dead," stale, recycled, repetitive and insufficient/false teachings . . . And awakening to FREEDOM -- indeed!

Cheers to that positive, liberating truth.

Say Yes to Freedom

Hi -

Some folks are mentally and spiritually:

- on life support.

- on "junk food" diets.

- semi-conscious.

- largely unconscious

- comatose.

- dead on arrival -- DOA . . .

There is hope, though -- more folks are coming up out of "graves, . . ." and learning how to TRULY live FREE.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

Keeping It Real

Hi -

I posted the content below in the comment section of Lamont Burno's Facebook page and felt inclined to copy/paste it here.


Our role is to share, Robert Burnam, and to live what we know. We can't convert folks; they discover . . . as we did . . .

Christianity is big on seeking to convert folks -- some Christians go hard in that area.

I no longer aim to convert folks. I put the "food on the table;" it's up to folks if they desire to eat it.

Recently, someone sent me a letter in the regular mail -- more than two pages long -- with aim to draw me back to Christianity. I VERY briefly scan read the letter -- then shredded it.

I'm not aiming to convert folks and I'll NOT TOLERATE folks aiming to convert me back to the "plantation" -- to servitude again. NOPE.

I e-mailed a response to the person who sent me the conversion attempt letter.

This is what I expressed:

"Thank you for your love and for sharing your sentiments and beliefs.
"Love flows to you, as well."


I'm not going to be using energy with lengthy responses to folks and I don't owe anyone explanations for my current spiritual posture.

Now, I may choose to voluntarily explain some things but I'll NOT tolerate folks crossing my boundaries . . . None of us should tolerate such -- nor should we be about crossing the boundaries of others . . .
I do NOT have a label/brand/religion/sect, such as Black Hebrew, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Agnostic, Christian, etc. GOD is NONE of those labels/brands/religions/sects. He's LOVE AND TRUTH.

My label is -- DOING LOVE AND TRUTH -- the best I know while living, learning and amending some more. I'm NOT about to leave one cult -- Christianity -- and join ranks with another. No sects for me. I'm spiritual -- and love doing love and truth -- period.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Matthew from the Gospel of Matthew, etc.

Hi -

There are some who doubt that the Bible gospels were written by the men who they're named after -- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Matthew 9:9 - KJV says, "And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him."

IF Matthew had written the book of Matthew would he say as is mentioned in Matthew 9:9 - KJV, " . . . he saw a man, named Matthew . . ." ?

IF Matthew wrote the book of Matthew, wouldn't he have said, "And as Jesus passed forth from thence, HE SAW ME . . . and he saith UNTO ME, Follow me . . .?"


I doubt that Matthew wrote the book of Matthew. I also doubt that men named Mark, Luke and John wrote the books named after them. In that region, European names weren't the names . . . Aren't Matthew, Mark, Luke and John European and NOT Middle Eastern names?

In the book of Acts we read names like Ananias and Sapphira, etc. Throughout the Bible we read names like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zephaniah, Malachi, Ezekiel, Habakkuk, etc. Then Luke, Mark, Matthew, and John -- European names? Huh?


I read the book Gospel Fictions and found it more than slightly credible. Below is the link to the book, and below that is a link to a very helpful video from YouTube.  It sheds more light on the matter of the gospel, etc.  Particularly, I was struck by the parts where the 31:00, 55:00 and 1:11:18 marks begin on the video.

YouTube video titled, "Caesar's Messiah -- The Roman Conspiracy

Friday, November 7, 2014

Is It Possible That Christians are Wrong about Long Held and Long Taught Beliefs?

Hi -

Is it possible that Christians are wrong about long held and long taught beliefs?  Recently, I had a dream in which I asked a Christian teacher/counselor these words, "What if you're wrong?"  And in the subject dream, she conceded that she could be wrong . . .

There's much to learn, but unfortunately -- for numerous people -- so many folks refuse to dig deeper to test, examine, research, consider, discern, etc.  For a long time, I was of such posture, but now I seek PROOFS .  . . I've been taught considerably from digging deeper . . .


Posted for review purposes, excerpt from book, Gospel Fictions :

How do we know that the Gospel story is true? Because it confirms the prophecies of the Old Testament. But how do we know that the Old Testament prophecies are true? Because they are confirmed by the Gospel story. Evidence, so called, is bounced back and forth between the testaments like a tennis ball; and no other evidence is given us.The two testaments form a double mirror, each reflecting the other but neither the world outside."

Link to Gospel Fictions availability:


I've posted the video link below for whoever is inclined to learn more about truths.  Perfection is exclusive to GOD so I don't FULLY believe in anyone but GOD; however, I've learned some valuable and deeply beneficial truths from reading and viewing relative to what's posted below and elsewhere on this blog.   


Here's a link to profoundly striking information that's on Kenneth Humphreys' website -- Link: