

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Friday, September 25, 2015

Magic and Energies

Hi -

This speaks volumes . . .  Worth a listen indeed.

Particularly, I was struck by what he shared at the 34:48, 36:02, 39:30 and 41:59 marks on the video.

He mentions:

"All of these mysterious energy levels have a high ethical standing.  They permit no misuse of any natural force or combination or pattern of forces without consequential punishment.

"Energy is moral.  Every misuse of energy is punished by energy itself."

41:59 mentions about religion.

Electricity in Our Bodies

Hi -

Electricity in our bodies.


Hi -

Ref: Thoroughbred folks

The timely buzzword is fire -- also spelled fiyah. Lol

Fire in our bellies is about to enter another dimension above what we've ever experienced . . . .

We are magic. Proof is poised to pour out of our fire places . . . . Yep, we fire lion eagles are about the business of building campfires for the advancement of this awesome universe.

Next episodes are in nuclear zone status . . . .


Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Significance of 3 a.m.

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The significance of 3 a.m.

The Juice is Within

Hi -

Some folks be talking 'bout they're going places or they want to go places -- they mean in the material world -- careers and such. Ain't nothing wrong with that as long as such is kept in perspective.

Me, I'm NOT materialistic -- been there -- done that. That shit ain't freedom UNLESS it's in perspective. For me, the material is no longer high priority.

Now I want to go places in the mental, soulful and spiritual spheres. That gets me HIGH. The more I learn about the universe, the cosmos, the energies, natural/universal laws, frequencies . . . -- and the more I apply them -- power is rising in me like a super posture. Fearless and free -- yes.

Ain't NOTHING material that can come close to touching the zones of being empowered mentally, soulfully and spiritually. This zone is nuclear!


Remember in the first Matrix movie -- the Oracle woman lived in what some would deem an unattractive/unappealing residence. But her ass had fire power WITHIN her -- and Neo went there to partake of it, and to get her potent advice.

Nope, folks don't necessarily need to live in such places as the Oracle woman -- to have power -- again, perspective is key. WHEREVER and HOWEVER we live -- the power generators are WITHIN US! That's where the juice is -- within.


Building and Dismantling

Hi -  

There’s a time to dismantle and a time to build.  Some folks are dismantling when they should be building while others are building when they should be dismantling.  And then there is the posture when both, dismantling and building, can be done simultaneously.

One example readily comes to mind. I’ve seen numerous Facebook posts where folks are criticizing Christianity -- dismantling the b.s. that’s resident in it.  But that can become unbalanced.  More building should be in the mix.  Truly free folks who have exited limited lifestyles and deceptive/insufficient belief systems should be about the actions of knowing how to constructively build . . . so that others can escape their deceptive/insufficient belief systems and limited lifestyles . . . to reach places of true freedom.

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Ankh

Hi -

For more than a week, the Ankh has been strong in my consciousness.  I watched a couple of YouTube videos, but wasn't satisfied . . .

Anyhow, the Ankh wouldn't leave my mind.  Today I ordered a sterling silver one from Amazon.  And then -- less than 15 minutes ago, I saw mention of the Ankh on someone else's FB page. A book on it was mentioned, which I referenced.  As I continued to seek, I found the subject video that mentions the Ankh.

I've only listened to a bit of the subject video but already I believe that the speaker is hitting nails on the head that may very well satisfy my hunger for more knowledge about the Ankh!

At at the 8:15 mark on the video (link below) she mentions about her intro to the Ankh.

Ankh used as Electricity

Basic info about Ankh

Understanding the Ankh . . .

Saturday, September 19, 2015

"Kick Ass" Frequencies

Hi -

Sometimes thoroughbreds have to emit "kick ass" frequencies for folks who insist on bringing their featherweight asses in heavyweight zones. The rank amateurs be sending out insult after insult and when heavyweights pulverize their agendas -- featherweights sure ain't ready for prime time.

Keep coming with that bullshit and get your asses handed to you with flame tags attached.


Freedom Rewards

Hi -

True Freedom

- Spiritually, Mentally, and Physically

- How bad do we want it?

- Freedom costs.

- Freedom is worth every bit of what it costs to have and to keep it.

The rewards are immense in fulfillment, empowerment, enlightenment, contentment, peace and joy galore!


More folks are vacating religious boxes, zones and traps. True freedom ain't in ANY religion. True freedom is being in synch with the God consciousness WITHIN us. And flowing with natural and universal laws, which contain PURE truths -- without UNNECESSARY religious or any other excess baggage.


Ref: Fearless, free and awakened folks

Yes, we experience push back, insults, and opposition from folks who live limited lives . . .

Low is what they know -- just as, largely, low is what we knew until we answered our hunger/thirst for true freedom and high level journeys . . .

Hating on "haters" ain't the remedy . . .

Rewards manifest even from opposition . . .

There's indeed a place for gratitude in it . . .

Opposition Rewards

Hi -

Truly free folks aren't typically inclined to fret about the people who oppose us. When we align with the natural laws -- the universe responds -- for us -- to those who oppose our truth journeys . . . .
Nothing escapes the all seeing eyes of --THE ALL . . . . Justice manifests -- for sure . . .

Thank you, universal rhythm!

Release the Strangleholds

Hi -

To Whom It Concerns:

Release the strangleholds on your necks. Unlock your dormant power. 

Activate your inner juices and allow your potent energies to pour forth from electrified beings.
Learn to cast off the false and to embrace more truths. Live and breathe real, deal freedom.

In due season, proceed from students to teachers . . .


Friday, September 18, 2015

Free Your Giant

Hi - 

To Whom It Concerns:

There’s a giant inside you yearning to escape the limited living that it has been confined to . . . . Material success isn’t the best success -- it can be an ingredient in the mix of your journey.  But know that material success isn’t a necessity for true freedom.  Giants live inside some folks who are least expected to have such powerful inner juices.  I’ve met homeless people who have giants within them -- yep power flow in impressive gear.  And miniature mentalities live in some people who have much material excess. 

Clearly, it isn’t WHAT we have materially -- much or little.  It’s the pulse of our hearts -- our souls -- our spirits -- our minds -- our bodies.  It is the WHO within us that charts our courses.

Go ahead -- tap into the greatness within you.  Swing open the door for the release of your giant.  It’s been caged long enough . . . .


Monday, September 14, 2015

Left Brain vs Right Brain -- How to Activate Whole Brain Functioning

Hi -

This is a rich view indeed.  Definitely, worth a watch.  Thank you, Tina Loving Yah, for sharing this.

In the subject video, he shares that universal law is far superior than man made law.

Awakened People Are Not Monolithic

Hi - 

Awakened people are not monolithic.  No two awakened people are alike.  Richness is contained in sharing with other conscious people.  But nothing and no one can substitute for our unique inner consciousness journeys.

I’m game to be a passenger and to have passengers in my “ride.”  But sometimes we need to drive and ride solo.  To everything there is a season.

I’m never on board with seeking to be like anyone but myself.  I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone pimp my “ride.”  Nope, no one should go that route . . .

I do cake walks with peeps and I do shredded wheat menus, too.  What’s delivered depends on how folks choose to engage . . . .  ‘Cause, truth be told -- there are rules of engagement.  And we all don’t have the same ones . . .   


Friday, September 11, 2015

Salutes to Those Who Oppose Unreasonable Religious Doctrines

Hi -

I, other ex-Christians, and people of assorted beliefs are noticing the shifting tides relative to Christianity.  Increasingly, it’s being challenged and rightly so.  It’s NOT negative that, increasingly, Christianity is experiencing push back from various angles.  That’s a good thing, indeed.

My viewpoint is that all religions have measures of bigotry, but since I’m an ex-Christian, I can reasonably express about it.  Christianity is loaded with bigoted attitudes that promote division and separatism.  Yes, I’m aware that all religions contain measures of truth, but that doesn’t mean that religion is the best choice to make.  The negatives outweigh the positives. 

It is positively progressive that UNREASONABLE and BIGOTED Christian doctrines are being struck down and discarded.  Attitudes, policies and actions that oppose UNLOVING and DISORDERLY Christian doctrines are for the greater good of our universe. 

The laws of the universe have a rhythm of LOVE coupled with ONENESS. Truly, that’s the universal  ideal.  Universal movements aren’t in sync with the indecencies contained in separatism and divisions that define all religions.

A main reason why so much isn’t aligned with the laws of nature is because so many folks oppose universal and natural laws.  The more those people fight against universal postures, the more they engage in battles of nonsense -- and that which brings harm to the health of what’s natural . . .

Salutes to all who have postures of opposing that which doesn’t represent love, fearlessness, oneness and freedom.  All religions operate in fractions -- rather than making choices to embrace the WHOLE . . . .

Yep, all religions operate in distorted equations -- that’s why they don’t add up to WHOLENESS . . . .

September 11, 2015

We can choose fractional living, which is limited.  Or we can choose to steadfastly aim for wholeness. There is much freedom contained in uncovering more that represents wholeness. 

Those who elect liberated living:

Fearless and free -- that's we.

Nope, ain't about those fraction limits . . .

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Reptilian Descent

Hi -

Reptilian Descent

Part Two

The Golden Age, Saturn, USA Incorporated and Commerce Law of the Sea

Hi -

Woo wee, this is one of the most enlightening videos that I've ever viewed.

Particularly, I was struck by a bunch of what was shared.

32:37 (rescue); 37.45; 40:25; 49:27; 52:02 (ark of the covenant); 58:04 (energy); 109.20 (Jupiter); 115:52 (star of David); 117:25 (false saviour)

203.36 (creation); 204:26 (children of Saturn); 205:12 (Christian crosses); 205:45 (Saturn=Israel); and through the end (woo wee)!It shared, "The law of banking is the law of the sea or water"

We come from our mothers birth canal. We are a product of the water and that is the law of the sea, which is money, currency, CURRENT-SEA.

Commerce law of the sea.

Woo wee.

Most Religious and Non Religious Countries -- Highest/Lowest Crime Rates

Hi -

Least Religious

Chart and more information


I did a brief research of some information and learned the content below.

In order of RANK, these countries have the LOWEST crime rates:

1. Switzerland -- ALSO has a large number of atheists
2. Singapore
3. Hong Kong -- ALSO has a large number of atheists
4. Bahrain

5. Luxembourg
6. Japan -- ALSO has a large number of atheists
7. Ireland -- ALSO has a large number of atheists
8. Iceland
9. Denmark -- ALSO has a large number of atheists
10. Cyprus

In order of RANK, these countries have the HIGHEST crime rates:

1. USA -- Damn, we’re number 1 on the list! -- and 75% claim to be Christians.
2. Germany -- MAJORITY are religious
3. France --MAJORITY are religious
4. Russian Federation
5. Italy -- MAJORITY are religious
6. Canada --MAJORITY are religious
7. Chile -- MAJORITY are religious
8. Poland -- MAJORITY are religious
9. Spain -- MAJORITY are religious
10. Netherlands

Note that some countries with large numbers of atheists have the lowest crime rates. Some countries with MAJORITY religious folks have the highest crimes rates.  What can be concluded from that information?


 - China is the most ATHEIST country.  Japan is the second least religious.  We get HUGE amounts of products from China -- and Japan produces some of the BEST cars, electronics, etc.   
What conclusions can be drawn that some of the most and best comes from two of the MOST atheist countries in the world?

- Denmark and Sweden are among the least religious of the world.

- Also, Israel has a large number of atheists.

Note: I realize that there are different levels/sorts of religions, including Christianity.  Some folks are sincere/fervent, and some are simply labeled with little or no fruits to support their religious claims, etc. But this ain’t that deep -- but it does make for some pondering . . . for those folks inclined . . .   

Note: I found the above information by doing a Google search.  Some of the information may have been updated since being posted on the web.  But the above gives sufficient information to address my points/questions.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why Do We Dream?

Hi -

DNA Information

Hi -

YouTube Video -- DNA breakthrough . . .

YouTube video -- DNA Reveals Humans are Designed by Aliens

Sacred Geometry Explained

Hi -

Sacred Geometry Explained

Occult Secrets

Hi -

At about the 2:16 mark on the video, he mentions, "secrets in plain sight."

Also, I'm particularly struck by what he says at about the 6:13 and 11:09 marks.

What he shared here, OVERALL, resonated with me.

Alive Universe

Hi -

The sun is alive as is the moon, stars, planets, galaxies, constellations . . . and they talk . . . .Yes, the solar system talks.

The elements are alive and talk, too -- the earth, the fire, the air, and the water.

The creatures talk, as well . . . .  We can sure tune into their languages and means of talking/communicating with us -- if we're so inclined . . . .

Also, all of the above respond to our talks.  The levels of their responses sometimes vary . . . depending on how we engage them.  They respond most appreciatively to love, gratitude and respect. 

Whosoever has ears to hear, let us hear . . . . And let us be mindful to speak how they best respond to our methods of talking/communicating with them . . . . The ideal is our steadfast aim to act in concert with the rhythm of the vast and awesome universe.

Harmony is in the equations for us . . . if we reach for and yearn to learn how to best attain it . . .

That which is hidden can indeed be revealed to -- whosoever will invest . . .


This ain't no corner store movement . . .

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Hi -

Wow, just last night, I said to Michael that being fearless is freedom.  And then I came online this morning and read this quote attributed to Nina Simone, "I'll tell you what freedom is to me -- no fear!"

Also, days ago, Michael had on his Facebook page -- to be fearless -- AND days ago, BEFORE I read that on Michael's page, I'd downloaded a song by Claudia Carawan titled, "Fearless."

For about two weeks, being fearless has been a focus in my mind.  All that I expressed above about fearless mentions is indeed synchronized with where my consciousness has been recently.  Wow!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Akasha Madron -- Counselor, Astrologer, Tarot Reader, etc.

Hi -

I saw a glowing recommendation for Akasha online, and so decided to put a link to her site here to read more about her.

Gregory Scott and Erin Pavlina -- Tarot card readings, Astrology, Numerology, Medium readings

Hi -

I HIGHLY recommend visiting and reading from Erin's website.

Her website:

Invoking Jesus and God During Astral Experiences

Testimonial about Erin's reading

Why Psychics Don't Win the Lottery

What are the clairs of psychic abilities?

Who am I connecting with during a tarot reading?

How Can I Become a Professional Medium?

Tips on How to Avoid Unethical Psychics

Ring of Power

Hi -

This is one of the best documentaries that I've ever seen.