

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Be Authentic

Hi -

Don’t bend with the wind. Keep yourselves grounded in the authentic essence of you.

As we evolve, some folks will come while others will go. Those people who go -- free up spaces for those who come. Such is reality. Key is to be true to you.

Yes, life does involve some compromises, but the FOUNDATION of who we are should remain intact. My authentic self ain’t for sale and I don’t take bribes. I am who I am -- period.

Yep, I’ll work WITH folks, but those who aim to alter my authentic landscape will likely work themselves out of my spaces. I’m a thoroughbred, and enjoy engaging with other thoroughbreds. Some engagements with asses are inevitable -- but I measure and limit my dealings with folks who persist on being assholes. And some of them are relegated to permanent chopping blocks. Miss me with the bullshit.


P.S. Debates can prove helpful, constructive and beneficial. It’s in my DNA to debate; it fuels me when I elect to engage in them. And when folks elect to debate on my Facebook wall or in my FB group, typically, I don’t censor. So folks who come on my wall and in my group can expect to SOMETIMES see cussing, and vigorous disagreements. That’s how we roll in Sandra’s spaces.

I and other non Christians engage in a Christian FB group, "Spirit Led" and respectfully abide by their policy not to use what they consider profanity. That shit ain’t the case in my spaces, y’all.

P.S. S. I have a VERY, VERY low tolerance for lying.