For those inclined to read/view content here:
Please be mindful that the main guide that you should follow is WITHIN YOU. I learn from others, but NOTHING and NO ONE can substitute for what you discover in your own unique, signature style, spiritual journey.
Yes, it's helpful to learn from others -- in balance . . . .
Also, sometimes I use portions of what others share but modify to suit my unique spiritual journey and preferences.
My Recommendations for a Crystal Starter Kit (Of course, it's not expected that those folks inclined will get all on the list or all at one time . . .):
- Rhodonite
- Rhodochrosite
Teal Swan -- YouTube Video -- It's about 15 minutes long.
Crystal Myths Debunked
Crystals for Beginners
Tips for Buying and Using Crystals (A Beginner's Guide)
Crystal Cleansing Methods