

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Monday, August 29, 2016

Spells from Prince

Hi -

KEEP CALM...AND CAST A SPELL. THE WISHING WELL MONEY SPELL. This is a REAL money spell that WORKS. "Ain't no such thing as a broke witch." -Leticia Padua� Carve a green candle with dollar signs. Anoint with patchouli oil. Sprinkle gold glitter, and or money powder, & cinnamon on top. Add real money and or fake money in all denominations around your candle with crystsls of pyrite, citrine, green aventurine, clear quartz & lodestone. If you don't have all of the crystals, you may do this working using only citrine as your crystal component. Be sure at some point, to invest in lodestone. It's EXTREMELY powerful. Burn money draw incense, while speaking the following incantation over your candle: "Bless my money Multiply & increase it. A thousand times a thousand For my financial freedom. Bless the ones who gave it & bless the ones to whom it shall go. And I give thanks, I give thanks, I give thanks." Manifestation will occur within 30 days or less. Everyone's energy is different. To shorten your manifestation, do this working in front of a mirror... BECAUSE OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR...ARE CLOSER THAN THEY APPEAR.
Prince Ajewale Ifayemi added a new photo.
HOW TO MAKE BLACK DESTROYER OIL: You will need the following: 1 burnt chicken feather. Sweet Basil Sea Salt Olive Oil Garlic Black Pepper Powdered Charcoal Tobacco High John the Conqueror Root. Add powdered charcoal to the Olive oil. Next, add the sea salt. Next, add the black pepper. Add a small piece of High John the Conquerer root, and the add the tobacco. Next, add the garlic, and the burned chicken feather. Add Cayenne Pepper to add fire to the Oil. You may also add Dragons' blood incense. It is an all purpose dismissal incense. Optional Ingredients- Iron scrapings from your cast Iron cauldron or skillet, coffin nails, or pomegranate seeds. Graveyard Dirt- or Hot Foot Powder. Black Destroyer oil destroys curses, hatred resentments, envy and any evil intentions towards you or your home. Black Destroyer formulas are designed to help people clear serious messes out of their lives, protect their homes, and stop curses, evil, and resentment dead in their tracks, it is an excellent "first aid" application when under attack, and often it kills the hell out of it without you having to do a whole lot more. FOR UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WORKINGS... One of the most common ways of applying this oil is to mix half a bottle (usually 2 oz) with 1 cup of mineral oil. Every night sprinkle contents around the location where the person that harms you walks through, at least for 7 to 9 nights, carry it in an empty soda can so it looks like you’re carrying a soda that you "accidentally" spill or can sprinkle carefully under concealment. If you find that powders have been sprinkled across your path, or just before you get into your car (driver’s side) dilute the Black Destroyer Oil in mineral oil, and use it as a sprinkle on messes that people have laid for you. For Example- if you find powders in your yard, or nails other things that may have been placed on your property or workspace To clean up, use paper towels and wear disposable gloves put the whole thing into a plastic baggy then add your Black Destroyer Oil and toss into a dumpster or garbage can that is outside of where you work or live. It pays to keep a prepared bottle in your car, or at work in your desk drawer or locker. FOR LONG DISTANCE WORKINGS: Dress a candle with Black Destroyer Oil. If possible, obtain a photo of the person, a handwriting sample or write their name 9 times on a piece of brown paper. In a low, wide flat dish that has a small rim, set a black candle on top of the photo, and then fill the dish with a dash of Black Destroyer and a lot of vinegar. This works best with wider based or bottom candles like small pillars, votive, and 7 knob candles, rather than the kind you have to put in a candle holder. This is because You want to stick the candle right on top of the photo or paper, and you need the candle to be able to remain flat. Let the candle burn down until the flame reaches the liquid. Black Destroyer Oil is an AMAZING addidion to any banishing workings. When you dress a candle with this oil stroke the oil away from you, not up and down and not towards you---AWAY FROM YOU.
Prince Ajewale Ifayemi
To Drive away bad neighbors, put this on their doorstep, walking backwards so that you don’t walk through it. They’ll find a new home...and leave yours alone. FAST. HOW TO MAKE HAUNTED HOT FOOT POWDER: 2 OZ. Cayene Pepper (Level 160,000) 2 OZ Cinnamon 2 OZ Ground Black Pepper 2 OZ High Grade Sulphur Powder DIRT FROM A GRAVE. AND WATCH YOUR TROUBLES RUN AWAY SCREAMING. A NOTE ABOUT GRAVEYARD DIRT: Unless you want...VISITORS...NEVER wear your cemetery shoes inside of your house. EVER. Place a border of salt around the inside border of the doorways and windows to your home. BEFORE you leave for the cemetery. When gathering your dirt, offer Oya nine pennies at the gate before entering the cemetery. Leave a dime on the grave to pay for your dirt. I've worked with graveyard dirt- and got a full body apparition, asking me for instructions. Before it got to the point of me even ENTERING the cemetery- I did rituals and ebo for Oya at the gates...for over six months. (the Oya Protection Ritual) Prior to that- I built a STRONG connection to my ancestors- for over a YEAR. Graveyard dirt is SERIOUS necromancy and should only be attempted by the experienced Mage.

Gazing increases your psychic abilities, and helps to fine tune them.
There are dangers in the other realms. With you barriers in place, Only high vibrational beings can access your mirror.
Charge it with good intent.
To do this, wash your mirror, while singing a song of praise to Yemaja.- Mother of the waters. This Orisha will protect you. Windex away any streaks. Remember. Water is a reflective surface. Recite the following incantation over every vessel holding water on your altar for protection.
Beautiful Lady of the Magnificent Waters, I Invoke your protection over the every mirrored surface. Let there be peace within and without- Like the surface of your still waters. Bless the mirrors on my altar, and the surface of the waters in each vessel. Great Mother of the Waters,
I thank you, and I give you praise. Ase o
You've just created...THE WATER BARRIER.
Ancestral Barrier - Offerings for your ancestors create a powerful barrier. The ancestors are your FIRST line of defense. The more you offer your ancestors, the stronger they are- and the more they are able to protect you.
Eshu Barrier. - Offerings can be a cigar, a dish of candies, liquor, or money of any amount. NOTHING gets past the Lord of Fate. NOTHING.
Olokun Barrrier - Your Olokun vessel with salt water and a trident.
Obatala Barrier-Obatala is the Orisha of light and purity. ONLY benevolent beings can get by Obatala.
He doesn't miss ANYTHING. EVER.
Oya Barrier. - Offerings can be peppercorn, or pennies in multiples of nine. Eggplant is Oya's favorite Ebo. Orisha Oya is a STRONG protectress of all who honor her.
Treat this Powerful Orisha with GREAT respect.
Shango Barrier. - I like to use Okra for Shango. It's his favorite food!
Oya LOVES Shango, so putting their ebo close to each other creates POWERFUL protection.
Shango is a HIGHLY skilled warrior Orisha. His protection is powerful!
The Water Barrier. - The programming of Reflective surfaces.
*NOTE* If you don't have two mirrors, you may use any vessel containing water. The surface of the another mirror.
*recite the Yemaja mirror invocation*