

Truths appear in drips, streams, flows and pours. Drinking from the fountains of truth holds pleasures and benefits galore. Yep, truths poured in and truths poured out -- to constructively share. Truths sure can favorably do our lives well.

Initially, truths don’t always please our thirsty appetites. Often, though, when we allow them to rest in soak formation, to marinate and then to sink in thoroughly, our thirsts are satisfyingly quenched. Acceptance of truths adds to successful accomplishments of our action plans -- with relish.

Certainly, digesting truth proves good for our systems.

All photos on this blog are copyright 2014 - S. Hicks

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Metaphysical Info for Those Who Don't Openly Practice, Etc.

Tree of Life Jewelry

Flower of Life Jewelry

Metatron Jewelry

Pentagram Jewelry

Meditation is Vital

To Whom It Concerns:

If you believe that you can successfully and effectively navigate metaphysically without daily meditation -- you're lying to yourself.

Meditation is foundational in the mix of mastering and having deep impact in the occult arena . . . . For folks sincerely committed . . . daily meditation isn't an option -- it's a necessity. When we meditate -- solutions, creative ideas, empowering messages, etc are downloaded into us.

Do I ever miss daily meditation --1/2 hour twice daily -- once when it's dark outside and once when it's daylight? VERY rarely -- months ago, I was sternly warned to stop skipping my 1/2 hours of meditating when it's dark outside. I took the warning very seriously . . . .

I do daylight and night time meditation because we are composed of light and dark energy.  Darkness was here before light appeared.  Darkness meditation can be done WHENEVER it's dark outside -- 9:30 p.m., 10 p.m., 3 a.m., 5 a.m. -- ANY TIME WHEN it's dark outside. 

Due to street lights, etc., I do my darkness -- with my EYES OPEN -- meditation in the bathroom where I gain COMPLETE  darkness.  My darkness meditation with my EYES CLOSED is done typically in my bedroom.

You can have a boatload of crystals and other magickal accessories, but the foundation of meditation is ESSENTIAL . . .

Meditation transforms, among other deeply beneficial things that it does . . .


Folks are deceived who believe that meditation is demonic. It certainly isn't evil.


There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Folks need to find what works for you uniquely. Some people meditate sitting lotus style, some use music, some chant, some folks meditate lying down, etc.
Me, I typically meditate lying down with crystals laying on me holding a crystal in each hand. I use music sometimes; other times I prefer silence.

For those who are concerned about dozing off when you meditate -- I set a timer when I engage in meditation . . .

Brief Video about Meditation:

I'm not fond of the title of the brief video, but I love what she says.

Advantages of meditation

Benefits of meditation in Schools

Meditating with Crystals =

Meditation Can Change the Brain

Benefits of mindfulness at work

 Benefits of Group Meditation

Prisoners Transformed through Use of Meditation

YouTube video (Correctional Places)
The clip -- link below -- shares about a meditating congressman and a group of Capitol Hill staffers who regularly meet on the hill to meditate.

I'm a witness that meditation is indeed helpful and TRULY beneficial -- positive results have manifested -- yes!!/news/health/Mindfulness-on-Capitol-Hill/302855431  
Posted September 13, 2017:
Mudras for Self Healing -- posted on 2/21/17

I've used -- so far -- one hand mudra -- it works!

The Importance of Symbols

Sacred Geometry -- Peace Sign, Etc.

VERY Interesting

Sacred Geometry Explained

For those inclined, I HIGHLY recommend DAILY doing the subject ritual. I got the info from Oshiri Isaa on FB.

THE LBRP.... Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The lower banishing ritual of the pentagram (LBRP) is an ancient technique that was popularized by Western occultists, even though its origin is far more primeval.

It uses the potent efficacy of the pentagram to clean the astral and ethereal body, while providing auric protection.

It can be found in Israel Regardie's book "The Tree of Life".

It invokes the four chief powers of creation around the personal space of the theurgist.

I can tell you from personal practice that it's a simple but very powerful daily ritual to incorporate into your life.

It is well known that the pentagram is the most powerful symbol because it holds the cipher to a superior spiritual entity. It is the dark ether operating through the four elements or four principles. The human body is a pentagram, once you stand feet apart with arms outstretched.

There is a reason five is prominent in the human body, five fingers, five toes, five holes in your face...etc.

The LBRP is simple and powerful, and will open your psychic sensibilities.

There is of course a deeper cypher that will be disclosed only upon advancement...

But the basic form as it is expressed in the book is a worthy start and will yield results.

March 1, 2018

Read the book, “Tree of Life”'s all in there...

The LBRP is the most popular formula for using the pentagram...
However it is used to invoke, evoke and banish spirits.
Geometric shapes are sound signatures of spiritual entities.
The pentagram is the most powerful.

March 3, 2018 -- From Oshiri

Learn to trace the pentagram, first with your fingers, then with your power of visualization.

Perfect this visual tracing of the pentagram because it is used to neutralize psychic attack.

Visualize it as a blazing bright star... surrounding you or projected at a target.

Mental tracing of geometric shapes is high magic and very powerful.

A link about the LBRP is below.  For those inclined, I have it in typed form.

YouTube Video – “How to Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram,” by E. A. Koetting

Enter meditative state until you feel . . .

Turn attention to breathing.

Imagine yourself growing larger and larger – your spiritual body expanding beyond your home – larger than your city, larger than the earth until you find yourself looking over all of creation as if you have become the creator.  The essence you want to connect with here is that of omniscience . You want to feel as if you can pluck the earth out of its orbit and hold it in your hands.  

Notice that even though you’re centered in existence and stand above creation that there’s a brilliant light above you which is the power and presence of divinity floating above your head like a cloud of light.  Reach the dagger up into that cloud and pull the light down with it as you touch the tip of the dagger to your forehead.

Vibrate in saying the word ATAH, which means, “Unto thee”

Bring dagger to center of
Vibrate in saying the word, MALKUTH, which means, “the kingdom”

Bring dagger to right
Vibrate in saying the word, VE’GEBURAH, which means, “and the power”

Bring dagger to left
Vibrate in saying, “VE’GEDULAH, which means, “and the glory”

Bring dagger to center of
Vibrate in saying the word, “LAY OLAM, AMEN, which means, “forever and ever”

Face East
Trace (in the air) a Pentagram with your dagger

Visualize the Pentagram glowing with blue energy floating in the air. 

Fully activate the Pentagram by thrusting the dagger through the center of it and vibrating the god name


Step back to the center of the circle and give the sign of silence by placing your index finger over your lips.

Turn South pulling the energy of the eastern star with you, trailing a line of fiery power from the east to the south

Draw (in the air) Pentagram again,
thrusting the dagger through it, and vibrate the name ADONAI

Return to the center of the circle and give the
sign of silence by placing your index finger over your lips. 

Turn West continuing to pull the energy with you.

Again, draw (in the air) the Pentagram before you, thrusting the dagger into the center and vibrating the god name EHEIEH

sign of silence by placing your index finger over your lips.

Turn North
Draw (in the air) the Pentagram, thrust dagger through the center

Vibrate god name

Return to the
east and in your magical imagination, visualize the Pentagram around you connected by fiery energy forming a circle around you.  Extend your arms out to your sides forming your body into the shape of the cross symbolic of the union between the physical and spiritual.

Call out:

“Before me,

“Behind me,

“On my right hand,

“On my left hand,

“Around me burns the Pentagram and within me shines the 6th great star.”


Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual (LBPR) can be performed before and after any ritual as well as at any point where you need to center and ground yourselves or banish unwanted forces. 

Once you make initial contact, not only will you be able to call them forth with a more solid presence each time you call them, but you’ll also find that you can begin to eliminate redundancy in your rituals.  In other words, it’s essential to understand that none of the spiritual phenomena is being generated by the ritual dagger, by the divine names or by anything other than yourself.  You’re creating the lines of the Pentagram as well as the circle of power around you.  You’re even creating the manifest forms of the arch angels as you structure them in each corner and call their names.

What you’re doing her is not praying to a divine figure to make these things happen – but instead you’re literally becoming a living god and commanding reality to obey you.


My, Sandra’s, notes about the video content:

I didn’t use a
dagger; I used an Athame.  But a regular knife can be used, as well.

That brief, relevant YouTube video is, in my opinion, to the point and yet, comprehensive.  I really like it.

For folks who are committed, in earnest, to evolving metaphysically, I HIGHLY recommend the subject ritual -- the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP).  So far, I've done it for three days and already have noticed ascension within. 
I don't do precisely as he mentions in the video as far as the WORDING in who he instructs to call out to.  I call on my righteous,  transitioned relatives and my ancestors, etc.  I mix it up.  Today, I called out to my mother, grandmother, High John the Conqueror and Nelson Mandela.  So, as I'm guided within, I'll call on the assorted subject spirits. Tomorrow, when I do the Pentagram ritual, I’ll likely call on spirits other than who I called on today . . . or maybe I’ll call on some of the same spirits as I did today as today but add different ones, too.  It all depends on the moments . . . as guided within.

One exception is, when he, in the subject video, calls on four arch angels.  I keep that aspect intact and call on those
same arch angels.

Also, I added a few additional steps as far as movements, beyond what he does in the video.

Ashera Star Goddess - Symbol Info

Symbols to Know

Metatron's Cube = Sacred Geometry

Metatron's Cube

Ref: The Geometric Cube Shown Here, commonly known as Metatron's Cube

Descriptive info -- used by permission. Expressed today, Sunday April 15, 2018, by Oshiri Isaa on FB:

"It's a formula...
"It existed before the name Metatron. It is an understanding of the force of creation within this realm.

"It is tied to squaring the circle and the golden mean.

"Yes...the rate of vibration and emanation. The song of the angels. The vortex formula.

"The rate at which spirit emerges into the physical.

"It is encoded in all things and can be applied to magic with serious effects..."


The Metatron Cube cloth can be purchased from Amazon. Be aware though, that they advertise a BLACK one that I learned, thanks to Osiri Issa and separate research that I did -- ISN'T Metatron's cube. I purchased the correct one that is off white in color -- shown in photo here.

From Jay Willy on FB today, as well:

Metatron is the Greek corruption of the name MATATRUN, the correct spelling. He is not only an Archangel, he is one of the 24 Elders. He is number 11. Matatrun’s Cube consists of the five platonic shapes: The Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octohedron, Icosahedron,& The Dodecahedron. Which represents Earth,Wind,Fire,Water,& Ether. All things in creation can be created based on the formula of Matatrun’s Cube. In the very center of Matatrun’s Cube is the Santa Sanctum: “The Holy Of Holies”. The Flower Of Life.
Jay Willy Yes & yes. The Holy Tablets Chapter 11. Speaks about Matatrun. Also about his contact with Adafa AKA Enoch. Matatrun also holds the secrets to Life & Death, which he initiated Enoch into. There should be an online link to The Holy Tablets and the 11th Chapter will breakdown his story.

Video 6:05 Long
Video about 10 minutes long

Metatron's Cube Cloth Available from Amazon


Color Magick and Meanings - Segment 1

Color Magick and Meanings - Segment 2

More on Colors

Color Meanings - posted August 22, 2016

Basic Candle Magick & Color Magick & Meanings

Candle Magick for Beginners (She does a five part sereies -- well worth the views.)

Basic Candle Magick 101

Spiritual Magic Session 4: Candle Colors, Flames & Final Wrap Up

Lunar Wisdom

What is Candle Magick? (This is one of my favorites.)

Jasmine Aten

What is Candle Magick? (This was posted here on October 11, 2016 -- It's one of my favorites.)

How to Anoint Your Spell Candles --  Part One (One of my favorite videos.) -- Part Two (One of my favorite videos.)

Black Candles (One of my favorite videos.)

Tea Light Candle Magick -- (She gets to the meat of  her message at about the 6:18 mark.)

Magic with Tealight Candles

Color Magick and Meanings - Segment 1

Color Magick and Meanings - Segment 2

More on Colors

Ashera Star Goddess

Candle Magick Explained Via ME

Real Gifted Spells

Meaning of Colors in Candles and Magical Oils


I don’t always adhere to this color “chart” when I light my candles -- but sometimes do . . .

Sunday – Sun – Yellow or Gold – growth, blessings, strength

Monday – Moon – Blue, White or Silver – emotions, transformation, femininity

Tuesday – Mars – Red – motivation, passion, assertiveness, courage, confidence

Wednesday – Mercury – Orange- communication, business, study

Thursday – Jupiter – Deep purple or deep blue – expansion of anything

Friday – Venus – Green or pink – love, romance, money

Saturday – Saturn – Black – karma, responsibility, stability, permanence


A Quick Guide to Meaning of Numbers

Incense, 16 Common Incenses

Ref: Incense -- 16 Common Incenses

Some Incenses and Their Elemental Attributes

Incenses and their Elemental attributions

Amber –> Air
Cedarwood –> Fire
Cinnamon –> Fire
Frankincense –> Water
Ginger –> Fire
Jasmine –> Water, to a lesser extent earth.
Lavender –> Water
Lotus –> Air
Musk –> Earth
Myrrh –> Spirit (Akasha)
Nag Champa –> All Five Elements*
Opium –> Air
Patchouli –> Fire & Earth, probably water too.
Rose –> Water, To a lesser extent fire**
Sandalwood –> Fire & Water***
Vanilla –> Air
*Is spirit associative, in the sense that it encompasses all of the four other elements.
**This refers to general or red rose incense. White rose differs in attribution.
***Also seen as spirit associative, in the sense that it is equally water and fire.

Native American Cedar Mythology

Om -- Om Mani Padme Hum

YouTube Video

From YouTube Comment Section:

Om Mani Padme Hum. It means the Jewel is in the Lotus. It means the Lotus Sutra is specifically of the highest importance and in that Sutra alone is it explained that all things possess inherent Buddha Nature or have potential for Enlightenment. The Sutra itself is the embodiment of the Mystic Law based on Cause and Effect.  Yes
432hz Healing

Om Mantra Music

Jar Spells for Beginners and Witchy Protection Ritual

This is a good guide, but of course, folks can add to or subtract from what it instructs. Yes, do what YOU feel intuitively . . .

Witchy Protection Ritual

Hoodoo Protection Jar (FAV)

 Using a Witch's Bottle for Protection --16:42 mark on video



The Power and Meaning of Sigils (FAV)

Sigil Magick (Chaos Magick)


Sigil Website -- It creates sigils.   Type expressions in and the site will give you the sigils that represent what's typed in.

Two great books on Sigils:

Sigil Witchery, by Laura Tempest Zakroff
Sigils of Power and Transformation, by Adam Blackthorne

Books that I highly recommend (I purchased them a little bit at a time):

 - The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Alchemy

- The Power of Symbols, by Peter Dean

- Darkness Visible, by Ross Heaven and Simon Buxton
- A Magical Tour of the Night Sky – Use the Planets and Stars for Personal and Sacred Discovery, by Renna Shesso

- The Secret Teachings of All Ages – Readers Edition: Unabridged, by Manly P. Hall

- The Kybalion, A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, by Three Initiates

- The Way of Initiation or, How to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds, by Rudolf Steiner

- The Crystal Bible, by Judy Hall

- Moon Spells, by Diane Ahlquist

- Powers of the Psalms, Anna Riva

- The Master Book of Herbalism, by Paul Beyerl

- Jambalaya, The Natural Woman's Book, by Luisah Teish

- The New Orleans Voodoo Handbook, by Kenaz Filan (Recommended by Ashera Star Goddess), Those who DON'T practice voodoo can likely gain some insights from this book, as well as those folks who DO practice voodoo.

- Spirit Conjuring for Witches, by Frater Barrabbas

- Numerology: Predict and Design the Perfect Life (Vol 1), by Marianne Gracie

- A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art and Science, by Michael S. Schneider

- Cursing and Crossing: Hoodoo Spells to Torment, Jinx, and Take Revenge on Your Enemies, by Miss Aida

- Math for Mystics, by Renna Shesso

- Book of Crystal Spells: Magical Uses for Stones, Crystals, Minerals and Even Sand, by Ember Grant

- Color Magic for Beginners, by Richard Webster

- Sigils of Power and Transformation: 111 Magick Sigils to Change and Control Your Life, by Adam Blackthorne

- Advanced Magick for Beginners, by Alan Chapman

- Witch’s Cauldron, by Laura Tempest Zakroff

- Sigil Witchery, by Laura Tempest Zakroff

- The Tree of Life, by Israel Regardie


Likely, all of these can be obtained from Amazon.

Astrology -- The Sacred Art

Ref: Astrology -- The Sacred Art

Ref: Planetary Influences

Altars can be portable.


For those inclined to read/view content here:

Please be mindful that the main guide that you should follow is WITHIN YOU.  I learn from others, but NOTHING and NO ONE can substitute for what you discover in your own unique, signature style, spiritual journey. 

Yes, it's helpful and truly beneficial to learn from others, too.  -- in balance . . .

Also, sometimes I use portions of what others share -- modifying to fit what suits my unique spiritual journey . . .

I really enjoyed this video.

Don't know your Ancestors? Well they know YOU! How to honor them in this situation


The Importance of Honoring the Ancestors - WORTH A READ INDEED

Ancestors: Your Invisible Allies EXCELLENT ARTICLE

Ancestral Healing    


How to Honor Your Ancestors 101 - YouTube -- In this video, the drift that I get from him is to only honor our bloodline relative ancestors -- NOT other ancestors that aren't in our bloodline.  I disagree with that.  My posture is to honor MY ancestors, and THE ancestors . . . . I included his videos here because I enjoyed some other things that he shared . . . -  Part 1 (Less than 20 minutes long) - Part 2 (Less than 20 minutes long)


The Importance of Ancestors -- YouTube (Posted here on Black Moon September 30, 2016)

You are Your Ancestors - The Power is Within You- YouTube

You Are Your Ancestors - YouTube (She gets to the meatier part of her message at about the 15:03 mark on the video.)

Communicating with Ancestors and Loved Ones - YouTube (Posted here on Black Moon September 30, 2016)  This video is less than 10 minutes long.

Working with Ancestors - YouTube -- This video is less than 10 minutes long.

Why Set Up an Ancestral Altar

Feeding Your Ancestors - YouTube -- This video is less than 15 minutes long.

What is Ancestor Money and How Does It Work? - YouTube

Ancestor Currency - Ashera Star Goddess - YouTube

What is Ancestor Money and How Do You Burn It? - YouTube

How to Set Up an Ancestral Altar for the Ancestors - YouTube


Crystals to Help with Ancestral Connections

Hi -

Bloodstone - Ancestral Healing is just some of what Bloodstone does.

Bloodstone (FAV)


Herkimer Diamond
Snowflake Obsidian
Leopardskin Jasper


Root chakra is about family, ancestors, cultural beliefs = ( several of the ones that help): Red Jasper, Hematite, Smoky Quartz

Crystals to Connect with Ancestors and Spirit Guides

Crystal Information for Beginners

For those inclined to read/view content here:

Please be mindful that the main guide that you should follow is WITHIN YOU.  I learn from others, but NOTHING and NO ONE can substitute for what you discover in your own unique, signature style, spiritual journey. 

Yes, it's helpful to learn from others -- in balance . . . .

Also, sometimes I use portions of what others share but modify to suit my unique spiritual journey and preferences.


My Recommendations for a Crystal Starter Kit (Of course, it's not expected that those folks inclined will get all on the list or all at one time . . .):

All crystal stone lovers/users have our favorites.

Some of my favorites are:

- Clear Quartz
- Lumerian Quartz
- Black Tourmaline
- Amethyst
- Selenite
- Shungite
- Moonstone
- Sunstone
- Bloodstone
- Zoisite
- Blue Lace Agate
- Black Obsidian
- Snowflake Obsidian
- Orange Calcite
- Rose Quartz
- Rhodonite
- Rhodochrosite
- Tektite
- Fire Agate
- Labradorite
- Nuummite
- Angel Aura aka as Rainbow Aura
- Tiger's Eye

Teal Swan -- YouTube Video -- It's about 15 minutes long. 

Crystal Myths Debunked

Crystals for Beginners 

Tips for Buying and Using Crystals (A Beginner's Guide)

 Crystal Cleansing Methods

Healing Crystals Listed by Ailments

One of the subject articles includes the disclaimer as follows:

"Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care."

Crystals Listed by Issues and Ailments

12 Healing Crystals

Crystal Tips and Healing Prescriptions

Seven Common Ailments That Crystals Can Treat

Advice for New Witches

For those inclined to read/view content here:

Please be mindful that the main guide that you should follow is WITHIN YOU.  I learn from others, but NOTHING and NO ONE can substitute for what you discover in your own unique, signature style, spiritual journey. 

Yes, it's helpful to learn from others -- in balance . . .

Also, sometimes I use portions of what others share -- modifying to fit what suits my unique spiritual journey . . .

Advice for New Witches

New Everyday Witch Routine

Being a Witch

Are Witches Born or Made?

13 Signs That You May Be a Witch

6 Kinds of Witches of Many

My NEW Witchy Room